Chapter 3- Tristan's POV

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It's  been a quiet few days. My life isn't hugely exciting anyway, but I've been glad for the peace. I often prefer for it to be just me by myself, I've never been the most sociable person. As bad as it sounds, I've also been trying to to avoid my boyfriend,  as we can't talk anymore without it turning into a fight, and I just cant be bothered to deal with that. 

I'm sitting on the couch with my breakfast when I hear a knock at the door. I put my cereal down and head over to open it, and I see a girl called Chloe who lives next door stood there. "Hi." she greets.

"Hey." I reply, unusually upbeat given that it's 9am- it's not even that early, but I've never been a morning person. I do like her though, she's always friendly. 

She's holding out a pile of some papers. "I went to get my post and I figured I'd bring yours up too." We've done this for each other a few times, anything that saves time for someone as lazy as me is good.

"Thank you." I say, taking it from her. 

"That's ok." she smiles. "I'll see you later." I close the door and go back to my cereal, leafing through my post. A bill, some catalogue and a pizza delivery leaflet, so nothing hugely exciting. However, I spot an envelope with an unusual looking stamp, so I look at it properly. It has an American postmark on it, and when I look at the address, I see it's for 'James McVey'. He must be the same one who brought me cookies.

I sigh as I realise that I'll have to take it down to him- I do find him quite annoying, it shouldn't be possible for one person to be so happy all the time. But I ought to take this to him. Once I've finished my breakfast, I put my bowl in the sink and go to get dressed. I put on a pair of skinny jeans and a random shirt, as I can't be bothered to put effort into choosing clothes- I'm only going downstairs.

I slip my shoes on then head out, down to James' door. I can tell which one is his from the small flag sticker on it, plus I've been past here before. I knock on the door, secretly hoping that he won't answer as I'm not in the mood for someone so in your face. I wait for a minute but get no response. I'm just about to slide the letter under the small gap under the door when I hear someone walking up to it. James answers it in his pyjamas with a towel around his head. "Sorry." he apologises. "I was just in the shower."

"I got some post that I think was meant for you." I say, handing him the envelope. 

James looks at it. "Yeah, this is mine. I wonder how it ended up with you?"

"Probably just a mix up." I suggest. "I mean, I live in 96a and you're in 86a, so." I want to say that it's because of my bad luck, but that would be rude. 

"Probably." James agrees. "I mean, the actual address is right."

"Who's it from?" I ask nosily.

"'My sister, I think." he says, slightly quieter than before. "It looks like her writing, but then again my mom's looks quite similar." I'd  kind of tuned out of his accent, so hearing him say 'mom' seems a bit odd. He seems a bit less bubbly now, maybe because I asked him a stupid question. I guess we now find each other equally annoying. "Thank you for bringing it." he says. "I'll see you around." With that, he shuts the door. Not rudely, but much less like himself.

To be honest, I don't know why I noticed his change in mood so much. I've only spoken to him a couple of times, I don't really know him well enough to comment on how he's feeling. When I get back, I start thinking about what else I have to do today. Go shopping mostly, as I have almost no food left unless you count crisps, which I don't. Unfortunately this involves having to go back out again, so I should put on something more presentable.

 I go to change into a different shirt, and I have to smile when I take off the one I had on- it has a grey American flag on, and I didn't even notice. I genuinely didn't realise, but I guess it was appropriate. I leave the house a grand total of about 10 minutes after I first did, but this time I actually have something important to do.

As I go past James' door, I find myself wondering if he's ok. He seemed kind of down, but I don't really know him well enough to ask, plus it's not really any of my business. I've done one good thing already today, so I feel somewhat prepared to face the rest of the day. But I still can't stop thinking about James.


A slightly dull chapter, but those are needed so exciting things can happen ;) please vote and comment if you liked it!

There may well be some awful typos in this 😳 The iOS update has completely screwed up my autocorrect, so some of this may be crap 😭

He's American (Trames au)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum