Chapter 12- Tristan's POV

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Well, it finally happened. Adam dumped me over the phone, and it still hurts even though I knew it was coming. I'd known for ages, but it still felt like the worst thing in the world. I barely even took in what he was saying, all I really acknowledged was him telling me we were over. In a way I'm quite glad, but I don't feel like the heartbreak is going away any time soon.

Weirdly enough, I haven't cried yet. I feel too numb at the moment, almost like I haven't really processed what's happened. At least I don't have to spend all day worrying about whether or not my boyfriend hates me- he's not my boyfriend any more, so that's one less thing. It'll take me a while to really be affected by it, at the moment it's more of a sense of relief than anything else. 

Brad is coming over soon, as he phoned saying he was worried about me. I ran off panicking at our last band practice, so that's probably why. I've been in a weird place mentally, and I think telling someone will help. I've never been good at keeping things to myself, so pouring it out to one of my friends will probably do me good. 

It's about 9, and I'm hoping that Brad will get here soon so I can have a drink- I've been wanting one ever since I got the phone call, but even I have standards above drinking alone in the daytime. Thankfully, he arrives quickly. As soon as I open the door, he says "What the hell happened to you?"

"I got dumped this morning." I announce as Brad follows me into the living room. "I knew it was coming, but..."

"Oh." Brad says, reaching to touch my hand. "That sucks. I'm sorry."

"It's ok." I say, pulling my knees up to my chest. "I'm kind of glad. Right now I just want company."

"That makes sense." Brad says. He then pauses before saying "Is that why you were acting weird?"

"Probably." I say. "I'm sorry about that."

Brad gives me a small smile. "It's ok. I wasn't angry at you or anything, I was just worried about you. I guess heartbreak does weird things to you."

I get up so I can finally get a drink. "It's too numb for heartbreak right now. Do you want something to drink?"

"No thank you." he says, looking slightly concerned as I pour whisky into a glass and take a large swig. "You seem quite upbeat about it, that's what I meant."

"I think I've just accepted it." I say, downing some more of my drink. "I'll probably cry later, just warning you now."

Brad laughs, but he looks slightly sad for me still. "Ok then. You need cheering up and distracting, so I brought video games." 

I smile. "You know me so well." This is why me and him are best friends. I leave Brad to sort out the Xbox whilst I top my drink up. I'm feeling a bit more relaxed now, but I can also feel my emotions beginning to rise up. Brad notices my suspiciously full glass and sighs, but thankfully doesn't say anything. 

I don't say anything either, though I'm glad for the quiet. Or at least the quiet that lasts until we really get going with the games. Brad is much better than me, but I still enjoy it. It also always makes me lose track of time, so I'm genuinely surprised when I look over at the clock. I've had a few drink refills, so I don't know why I'm so surprised. "Fuck. It's midnight."

"Shit." says Brad. "I need to be at work in like 8 hours." He looks at me properly for the first time in a couple of hours and says "You look rough. Go to bed."

The alcohol has definitely taken its toll on me, and I stubbornly protest "No. I don't want to."

Brad sighs. "You'll feel worse if you don't." I feel pretty bad already, so I don't think a lack of sleep will do me much more harm. I open my mouth to say something, but Brad cuts me off putting his hand on my arm firmly. "Bed. Now."

He guides me to my room and lifts up the duvet, and I'm too worn out now everything has hit me to argue. I fall into bed wordlessly, and start trying to undress myself. "Just take your jeans off." Brad says gently. I somehow manage to wiggle out of my jeans and throw them out from under the duvet. "Well done." he smiles. "Now go to sleep. I'll let myself out."

I'm in enough of a state that I barely notice. "Night Brad. Love you."

He smiles. "Night Tris, I love you too. It'll all look better tomorrow, I promise." With that, he turns the light off, leaves me to it and lets himself out to go home. I'm glad he came over, but it's not the first time either he or Connor has had to put me to bed. But I'm here now. I'm tired but not sleepy as such, so for a while all I do is toss and turn in the darkness. However, soon enough all the emotions of the evening get too much to endure, and suddenly I'm finally tired enough to sleep.


Poor Trissy 😢 I love him, why did I do this to him 🙄 Please vote and comment if you liked this :)

*hoping the picture works* I'm very happy now because I met the boys yesterday 🎉 They're so lovely and I hugged them all and I didn't even have to ask which was good because I didn't know what to say- James grabbed me to hug me before I even said anything ❤️ I love them so much.

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