Out To Lunch

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Ding ding ding dong ding ding ding dong.

Yes finally the lunch bell not only dose it get me out of class for 50 minutes but this time I get to hang with Danny and not sit alone. Double score.

I snag my book off my desk and bolted to my locker and typed in my combo. I threw my books inside and ripped open my bag. I pulled out my lunch bag and my purple snap back hat. If you can't tell I am very exited. I have had a lot of time to think and I after a meer 3 hours have a crush on Danny Fenton.

My locker is on the other end of this floor, that means that the satires are on the other side of the school AKA I have to fight my way through 2 halls filled of hungry high schoolers. Amazing. By now I'm used to it I have had to do the same thing for about a month now.

I pushed my way past one hall when down at the other end I saw Danny talking to two kids. One emo looking chick with black hair a purple and black top a black and green skirt, black boots and purple leggings. The other geeky looking kid was tan with glasses and a red beanie. He wore a yellow shirt with green cargo pants.

Those must be some of his friends. Maybe I should say hi first before we eat.

I push past more high schoolers and about half way through when I see some jock shove him into a locker. Oh no. I start to walk faster towards Danny and his friends.

Next thing I know the locker that Danny was in swung open and the jock was shoved inside. Where was Danny? I fought my way through more people as one smacks my bag out of my hand yelling "NERD!" I bend down to pick up my bag. I grab it and look up and I saw Danny standing out side of the locker.

How the.. What? Strange. With one more push I reach Danny and tap him on the shoulder. He spins around throwing a hook punch. I block his hand, grab it and twist him so he is now in an arm bar.

The goth girl looks at me with her jaw open as Danny is bent over in shock. I let go and brush off my shirt trying to act "cool"

"What the heck was that?" The goth girl questions.

"Oh he was going to punch me and I may be a..a..black belt in Karate." I respond embarrassed. Danny stands up and turns around probably still not knowing It was me (a girl) that just pinned him down. As he saw me his jaw dropped just like that emo girl did. No wonder there friends. Ha.

"Oh man Jess that was freaking sweet! I'm never going to accidentally punch you again gosh!" Danny exclaimed. He was impressed. Wow.

"Wait this is Jess the girl you have been talking about.. The one you think is.. Ouff." Danny hit the geeky looking kid in the gut. What was he going to say. Why do I keep getting left with cliff hangers! Grrrr.

"Well on that awkward moment..I'm Sam." The goth girl says.

"And I'm Tucker." Says the tan geek.

"Hi Sam..hi Tucker..Im Jess but you probably already knew that." I responded with a wink.

"Ok so now that you guys know each other why don't we go to lunch..Jess where are your friends?" Danny spoke. His last sentence hit me like a wall he would probably think that there is something wrong with me and that's why I don't have any.

"Ha..funny story I kinda don't have any." I scratched the back of my head as I spoke. Great now he is going to think I have fleas.

"What do you mean Jess." Danny looked concerned as he spoke.

"As in every day I sit alone, I have to one to talk to and no one to hang out with." I look to the floor as my heart sinks.

"Oh my gosh Jess I'm so sorry I never saw you before I so would have talked to you way sooner." Danny looked heart broken.

"Trust me guys I'm used to it, it is not that big a deal." I tried to calm them.

"Know what I can't see this happen..how about you join our gang!" Danny said with much excitement spreading his arm and pointing to Sam and Tucker.

"That would be awesome..but you might want to get to know me first."

" that's not a noooo." Tucker sang looking at Danny.

"I think your in weather you like it or not Jess." Sam nudged me as she spoke.

"Awesome..now I'm hungry let's go eat!" Danny almost screamed.

We started to walk down the stairs. By now the halls were empty. I walk in front of Danny, Sam and Tucker when they just stopped and Sam and Tucker made a wall.

What on earth are they doing? Where is Danny?

"Danny forgot his lunch." Sam said almost reading my mind. But that's strange I thought Danny had His lunch oh well.

"Ya why don't you find a table and we will meet you, the caff is probably full." Tucker joined in.

"Ya ok." I responded. They are probably going to ditch me that's what happens most of the time when I'm asked to "grab a table" aww man...oh well.

I walked past the office doors to hell and into the gym/café where they set up lunch. There was one empty table left and the very back. Ahh table number 5...My table. No wonder it is empty.

I take a seat and wait of my "new friends". Minutes pass until I see them across the café. I wave and Sam spots me and points me out to Danny. Another blush fills my cheeks as they walk over.

They take a seat, Danny next to me (eeekkkk) and Sam and Tucker on the other side of the table. I grad my plain blue lunch box and just set it on the table.

" Are you not going to eat?" Danny spoke with A mouth full of ham sandwich.

"No I'm not hungry." I had made myself a huge breakfast so I was still full.

"How did your talk with Mr. Curry go Jess?" Why would Sam ask that? More importantly how did she know?

"Fine. I have detention next Wednesday though."

"Ohhh Jess your such a rebel. Body checking people in the halls being late oh man. I can see why Danny l..ow my shin!"

Did Danny just kick Tucker in the leg, I think he did. Once again I have no clue what he was going to say. But to me it sounded like Tucker was going to say Danny..liked me!


It's now Friday And I am on my bus back to my house. After I finish my homework I'm going over to Danny's (eeeekkkk).

I have learned A lot about Sam and Tucker and even Danny. For example Tucker is super into computers and LOVES meat. Sam might look goth but she is super misunderstood. She is also a recycle-vegetarian or something so she basically doesn't eat anything with a face. I learned that Danny is super sweet and kind but he keeps disappearing like one second he is behind me and then the next he is just gone maybe I should get him a cow bell for his birthday. I am also 98% sure he has a crush on me. Also I am 100% I have a crush one him. Cue cheesy smile.


My bus comes to a halt at the end of my street. I grab my bag put on my hat and my headphones and I walk out.

I can see Danny's strange satellite covered house from the end of the street because it towers over all the other houses. I have always wondered what it looks like from the inside. Guess I will find out soon. I just have to get home first.

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