Good morning

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"BEEP BEEP BEEP!" My alarm was going off that means time to get ready for school. Mind you I kept waking up, under the bed, on the roof, you name it it probably happened

"Oughhh what time is it." I heard Danny's sleepy voice ask.

"5:30 just like I said."

"Wait you weren't kidding grrrr."

"Aww is ghost boy sleepy?"

"Aww is ghost girl on caffeine."

"Oh come on it's not that early."

"Go get dressed and grab your backpack and come back here and I will make you about that?"

"Yaaaaa ok."He stretched up and yawned then stood off of the floor. I stood up and stood next to him.

He looked towards me as I looked at him. I brought my head closer to him and he kissed me. I closed my eyes as our lips moved together and our faces turned red. I pulled away and looked into his blue eyes it was hard to see in the dark of my room but I could've still see his eyes.

"Ya know your cute in the morning." Danny spoke and I smiled back.

"Now get going ghost boy and put some fresh clothes on." We had both slept in our clothed so I had to change to. He turned into ghost form and took off thought the window.

"I ran over to my dresser and pulled out another wolf shirt and teal pants..and other things. Then I ran to the bathroom just to make sure mr. Creep doesn't try to sneak a this would stop him.

I got changed fixed my hair and brushed my teeth then headed back to my room. I picked up the pillows and blankets that Danny used and then put them back on my bed.

I don't need to have a shower cause I had one yesterday so I should be good I don't know about Danny though. He didn't smell bad but I don't know how he works so I don't know how long he will be. Might as well pack my lunch.

I walked into the kitchen and threw together a quick sandwich. Just then I heard a thump upstairs. I left my sandwich on the counter and went back to my room knowing it was Danny. I push open the door as Danny is lying on my bed..wait is he asleep?

"Danny wake up."

" do know it's Saturday." WHAT! oh yaaa. oops.

"Are you kidding me thank glob!" I started do dance around.

"Can I go back to sleep now?"

"Fine but if my parents come up then I can't help you."

"Fine I will sleep in MY bed."

"Aww come on sleepy head don't you want to hang I need help with my powers remember."

"Fine I'm just going to get some...." He starts to fake snore. I turn and walk back down the satires.


My stomach was growling I guess I never had the chance to eat supper and nether did Danny unless he ate when I was asleep. Might as well not let my sandwich go to waist. I grab the Baggie off the counter and hike back upstairs man I'm getting a workout.

"Danny?" I opened the door and on my bed laid a shirtless


"What the what?"Danny shot up from my bed and smirked at me.

"You little..."

"You like what you see." Was he trying to be seductive.


"Jess I'm kidding calm down."

"Ohh thank glob I would have had to break it to you." I walked closer to him.

"Had to break what to me?" He looked worried.

"That I have better ads then you!"I grabbed a pillow from behind him and smacked him in the face.

"Ouffff." We both started laughing and then Danny tackled me to the ground. We began to wrestle on the floor until he had me pinned.

"Admit it ghost girl you looooove me. And my sexy body." I took the chance and flipped him on his back. Now I have him pinned.

"Even if I did ghost boy you still have to work on those abbs...or should I say flabbs."

"Aww come on."

"Ya then how come I have you pinned hummm."

"Well I don't know maybe I can do this." He grabbed around my waist and pulled me on top of him. My hands collapsed and I landed on top of him.

"How about now." Our faces were less then an inch away.

"Ohhh I don't know."

"He brought his head up and pressed his lips to mine. He was still holding my waist. I brought my hands to his face as we kissed passionately. Our lips moved in sink as he gently nipped my lower lip. I nipped back and then pulled away gasping for air. I smiled at him as he smiled back.

"Ok you win." I admitted. Out of breath.

"Hey Jess."


"Will...will you be my girlfriend."

"Oh my gosh of course Danny." I pulled him into a hug and kissed his cheek.

I have a boyfriend. And it's Danny. I can't believe it's Danny of all people. I'm just over joyed.


Oh man stomach again I forgot to eat my sandwich.

"What was that Jess?"

"I never ate supper...or breakfast."

"Oh well that explains it."

"I have a sandwich...I just have no clue where I put it."

Ghost boy (danny phantom)Where stories live. Discover now