Math class

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It's now last period on Tuesday. Danny was 100% fine it turns out that Mirrage was able to beat him up from inside the thermos.

Rumours have started to spread about Danny and I which is never fun but oh well. Plus now the school has announced that they are going to be holding a fundraiser dance on Friday.

Fundraiser for what you may ask. A school trip to flooded waters! Yay! A hole day of sun and summer and..bathing suites. Wink. Wink. Nudge. Nudge.

I still haven't told my parents about the detention tomorrow. They are going to be mad not because I have detention but because I'm going to practice.

Ok yes I am a band nerd. I play clarinet AND flute. I sit in front row to! But what ever it's fun. I wonder what Danny would think. He ALWAYS makes fun of those kids. I promise I have not once asked if any one wanted to help me clean my spit valve. I swear!

So ya there is just a little bit of info I surpassed.

Anyways after school me, Danny, Sam, and Tucker are going to chill at Nasty burger for some milk shakes. Sweet!

" you know the answer to what (2x)+(-7x) is if x is 2?" Mrs Manarld's math class I kinda forgot I was daydreaming.

"Um may I come up to the board so I can show me work?" I replied.


At least this will make it look like I was paying attention. I walked up to the board and began to process the information.

"Well first we take out the x and.." I continued to speak but I'm sure you don't really want to hear ALL that. "The final answer would be -10" (you can do it to, to see if I got it right.)

"Very good for a second there I thought you were not paying attention. Have a seat." Save, I thought she was going to catch on.

I sat at my desk near the back and looked up at mrs Manarld and noticed that her blond hair was up in a bun and she was wearing a long black dress that made here blue eyes shine. She looked nice as a 45 year old teacher could look.

"So there you go class that is how you.."


Yes schools out! We all erupted from our desks and took off out the class room door. Thankfully my locker was next to that class so I didn't have far to fight.

I tore open my locker door and threw all my books into my bag. I ripped my bag out of my locker and slammed the door. I was trying to beat the crowd. To late. Now I have to fight my way half way across the school to get to Danny.

Oh well. I started to push my way threw until I was stopped. By Dash. He is the school jock aka a big jerk.

"You and fen-terd going to make out now!" He yelled

I tried to push past him to get to Danny..and Sam and Tuck. But Dash stopped me again.

"Well aren't we in a rush." He started making kissing faces along with all his other jock buddies.

"Are you demonstrating what your going to do to Paulina tonight?" I snarled back. Now I was getting angry. He looked shocked when I said it and I took that time to slip around him. Score!

By now the crowd is thinning out so it was easier to run. I'm not one to run from a fight but this time I ran because Danny is more important.

Dash didn't bother chancing me so I slipped around the the corner and up to Danny's locker. Sam and Tucker were there.

"What took you so long?" Tucker asked tapping his foot.

"I had a run in with Dash and I'm on the other end of the school." I replied.

"You ok Jess?" Danny wondered aloud.

"Ya fine..I can handle it Danny he was just being a bully." I responded.

"Ya well I'm hungry let's go!" Tucker blurted out. And with that we started our walk to Nasty burger.

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