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Dinner was...special. In some ways painful. My parents got along fine with Danny's but the only thing they talked about was taxes and politics. I even got yelled at for trying to talk to Danny over my parents.

Oh and when I was wrapping up the leftovers I somehow got my whole arm wrapped in plastic wrap. I swear that stuff is the bane of my existence.

But today is a new day..and we are going to FLOODY WATERS! Yay!

Last night after every one had left I spent an hour trying to pick out a swim suite. I was just too exited.

In the end I settled for black swim shorts with white trim and a white a teal striped bikini top. I thought it looked good and after an hour I was ready to sleep.


I quickly got ready for school/water park. throwing everything in my swim bag and putting my swim stuff on under my clothes. I also put in $20 so I could buy me and Danny lunch.

I glanced at the clock 6:00...great I was an hour and a half to kill. I could watch an episode of Sherlock. Naww. I'll bug Danny.

With that, I changed into my counterpart and flew out the window and into his room. His blue room was dark and I glanced down and saw he was still asleep. Lazy. I think it's time to wake him up.

With that I flew up to his roof and positioned myself over his bed.

"Ow!" I exclaimed as my head hit his ceiling.

1,2,3, I counted to myself as I let myself drop onto his feel.

"CRUCH...OOOFFFFF" I heard something crush under my weight and Danny sprung to life. Snap I think I broke him.

"Oh man are you ok..Danny!" Panic filled my voice.

"HAHAHAHAHAAA!" He started laughing. What was so funny?

"Your not dead?" I said still panicked.

"No..I kinda heard you when you hit your head on the roof."

"Oh..wait then what was that crunch?"

"No! My chips!" He squealed as he ripped off the blankets and grabbed the bag of salt and vinegar chips.

"What? Wait why do you have your bed?"

"Cause me and Tucker were playing video games last night and we NEEDED chips."

I sat up and put my hands on my hips."Wow, and you didn't think to invite me. Gosh."

"Well it was late and you were busy picking a swim suite." He stuck his tongue out at me and winked.

"Stalker much." I stood up and looked at him in defeat.

He crawled out of his bed and walked over to his dresser. He pulled out plain red swim shorts with white trim.

"See wasn't that easy?" He sarcastically commented.

"Ya what ever..Just hurry up and get ready."


We didn't bother to wait another 20 minutes for the bus, so me and Danny just walked to school. When we got there the place was dead. There was one high school gym teacher I didn't know but that was it.

I had never seen the school so quiet. It's always so busy. Danny and I walked back and forth through the halls until someone we knew walked by...aka Sam or Tucker.

On our adventure however we found this secret door that lead into the was super creepy with dust and the spider was hecka gross.

I heard the sound of foot step coming down the hall.

Both me and Danny sprinted up the steps and slammed the door behind us.

I looked up to see Sam standing there. Thank glob it wasn't a teacher.

Ghost boy (danny phantom)Where stories live. Discover now