Fun in the sun

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I felt so bad, what if this was it? What if he brakes up with me? How could I have been so stupid?


The thoughts raced throughout my mind until he replied.

"Jess..I love you, and I always will, I trust you and I don't care as long as your honest." He looked into my eyes and gave me a light smile.

A blush creeped across my face and I don't what possessed me because I just looked up and said "why?"

"Haha." He chuckled and my blush grew deeper. "I love you, and I'm sure I will screw up someday too and I will ask for your forgiveness, so just remember this, forever and always." He pulled my face against his and I could feel the warmth of his cheeks as my lips met him.

I could have stayed like that forever until Sam cleared her throat. Leave it to Sam to ruin the moment.

I looked up and saw her tapping her foot, she never appreciated romance, honestly neither did I until I meet Danny. I smiled at her.

"Jealous?" I asked in a taunting tone.

"Phft who me? Nooo." She sounded sarcastic. " Tucker just left that's all.

"Oh ok I'll get him, one sec." With that Danny took off and started chasing after Tucker, who was heading to the tables.

When Danny caught up with him I saw them talking and even from a distance I could see Tucker was sitting with his legs crossed, he never dose that.

After a minute later Danny and Tucker come walking back to Sam and I as we were both just watching them. Why did Tucker leave in the first place? And why is his face so red? I shrugged it off.

"Guys 2 minutes to go!" Sam cheered. I just noticed she was wearing what looks like a purple one piece and a...cape? She has good taste I guess.

A lady dressed as an under the see Goddess walked up. She had a long dress covered is starfish and shells and she had long curly blond hair.

"Welcome to the largest water park in Amity park!" She talked in a slow but high pitched voice. "I am calypso, it is now time to open the gates, have fun and be safe today kids."

I will ready to burst, I love water as it is, mix it with slides and my best friends and we have a good time.

Calypso opened the gate that was keeping us caged like animals and everyone started sprinting, our day of fun was here and we were ready to have a blast!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2015 ⏰

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