Spend the night

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"Wait so I can do all that stuff like flying and turning invisible and well be a ghost!" I am so exited..and still in shock this is going to hit me like a brick tomorrow.


"Wait do I look like that Danny?"

"Well sort of....why don't you see for you self."

He walked towards me and grabbed my hand. His hands were cold. We walked towards his door and into the hall. Then past two bedroom doors and into the bathroom. The walls were red and there was a big mirror in front. I looked in and I was once again shocked.

I looked like Danny. My hair was now white. My blue streak was green. And my eyes were the scariest part, the were glowing green. I looked down. What the hell am I wearing.

I was wearing almost the same this as Danny but my top was more cropped and showed my stomach and I had almost a skirt thing but it was cut in a way that it more looked like a cape for my butt. Butt..teehee. Sorry. But I did look cute.

"Where did this come from?" I asked looking at Danny.

"The outfit or the new look?"


"Well the look is because you kinda died and this is your ghost form like me and the outfit I made you for whenever you transform. Plus then we can match."

"Sooo I'm dead and you can sew...wait how did you get it on me!"

"Your only dead when you transform. and the costume fazed onto you when I lated it on top of you, and my sister taught me how to sew."

"You have a sister?"

"Ya she is down the hall."

"Oh cool I will speak to her later along with your parents mr....wait how long did it take you to sew this?"

"About 2 hours."


"I don't know 7:00."

"Oh crab cakes my parents are probably freaking out! Danny I need to get home."

"No problem." He was smiling. Why is he smiling.

"Perfect time to show you your powers." Oh great.

With that he grabbed my hand and suddenly the world around me became different. Everything seems to be clear and almost blurred. Was I invisible? I looked over at Danny and he was smiling like a madman. He jumped off the ground and began to fly me flying next to him. We were hovering in the bathroom.

He took off as we flew through wall after wall until we were in his bedroom. It was very strange every time we went through a wall the world became black. Finally we flew through his window and to my house in through my bedroom window.

I wounded how he knew this is my room. Must have been a lucky guess.

He was looking around the room still holding my hand.

"Cute room..good luck with your parents..and your powers they will take some getting use to but I am always here to help."

He began to fly away.

"Danny wait."

"Yes Jess..teehee that rhymes."

"How do I change back?"

"Just believe in yourself."

"Oh and Danny."

I leaned into him and pressed my lips on to his. I could fell him smile.

"You don't have to be afraid Jess." Danny whispered in my ear.

"Thank you!" I watched him fly off back to his house.


Aww man my parents.

Turn back. Turn back. Turn back...what would Danny do?

A chill ran up my spine as rings of light spun around me. I looked down and I saw I was back to normal. Normal hair normal clothes. And just in time.

"Jess honey is that you?"oh man what do I say.

"Umm ya."

"Oh honey good to see your awake how are you feeling?"asleep? How am I feeling? Dose she know what happened..who told her?

"I'm fine."

"Well if your tummy feels better you can come eat." My tummy what dose she think is wrong with me. Maybe she doesn't know. But who told he my 'tummy' was upset.

She left the room and closed the door. When she left I began to hear snickering. What the heck. I walked over to my bed and laid down looking up my pointy roof.

A tear trickled down my face as I began to cry. All of the feeling I had been holding off smacked me in the face and crushed me. I curled up into a ball and began to sob.

What has happened to me, I will never be the same again. Ya I'm glad about Danny liking me and stuff but what will happen no that I'm just 'ghost girl' I just need time to think.

I sighed. "What has happened to me."

I felt something touch my shoulder. I rolled over to where it came from and saw Danny frowning. What the heck is he doing here.

"Jess I know this will be scary at first but once you get use to you powers you can do amazing things and know this dose not at all change the way I look at you. I know this is hard I went through it to but know that I am here to help you ok."

"*sniff* ok..but why are you still in my house I thought you left."

"Hee hee funny story I wrote a note to your parents saying you were sick and going to be sleeping so that they would think you were still at home. So because I did this I wanted to see how it turned out so I turned ghost and chilled on you roof and listened. He he"

"Wow that not creepy at all." I responded sarcastically.

"Ya I admit it was kinda creepy..I will be going now bye."

"Nooo Danny stay."

"Why it's like 9:00 I'm going to bed."

"So am I...just stay....here." I threw a pillow at him and it smacked him right in the face.

"You can sleep on the floor lover boy." I smiled knowing what he was thinking about. He is a 14 year old boy I don't blame him.

"Here is some blankets..enjoy oh and by the way I wake up at 5:30." Once again Smiled throwing him some blankets.

I crawled into my bed and threw the covers over me as Danny tried to make a bed.

Sleep over on a week night I'm such a rebel.

I laid my head on my wet pillow and rolled over to face Danny on the floor.

"Having fun?"


"Oh you love it don't lie. Just remember my parents can't know, they have to think I'm still sic if they found out they would kill me."

"What about Sam and Tucker?"

"Why don't we tell them one thing at a time. You basically killed me remember."

"Did not."

"Did to."

"Did not."

"Oh you soo did."

"Fine fine you win..good night Jess."

"Night Danny." Just before I feel asleep I swear he whispered 'love you'.

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