Dance Like No One Is Watching

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Turns out it was Sam and Tuck. We walked over and meet them.

"Hey guys." Danny said.

"Hey, wow Danny cute tie." Sam winked.

"I said the same thing." I spoke laughing.

"Have you seen the speakers! They are amazing." Said Tuck fan-girling.

"That is nasty gross." Sam looked at Tucker.

"Have you even tasted me."

"Umm?"I was speechless dose he realize what he said?

"WHAT EWWW THATS NOT WHAT I MEANT EWW!"he blurted out realizing what he said.

"Ha..that's what she said!" Danny blurted out.

We all burst out laughing our butts off.

"I meant how you were Fan-girling gosh eww. We should get to dancing!" Sam said.

We walked to the middle of the gym and began to jump, shake, and be crazy until..I felt like I was being watched.

In the back of my mind I could feel some ones presence, some one that wasn't supposed to be there.

"Danny..I feel like some one is watching." I blurted out.

"Ya there is like 500 people here. It's fine, I will protect you." He replied.

"Ya, save it flabbs, I'm worried." I snarked back.

"Jess it's fine, I would feel it to." Sam calmed me.

"Dance like no one is watching, right?" Tucker joined in.

"Ya ok, let's just go back to having fun, I'm just paranoid." With that we began to dance and lose track of time.


I glance up at the clock it was 8:30, talk about time flying.

We had stopped at the snack table for drinks and some 'dinner' but that was the only time we stopped dancing.

We lost our selfs in the rhythm but in the back of my mind I still felt like I was being watched. I swear I heard a snicker at one point. But we were having so much fun that it passed me.

As a slow song played I had time to slow down and think about it, I was concerned.

Danny grabbed my hand and brought me to the dance floor.

He took me in his arms and we swayed to the beat.


"Ya Jess?"

"Thank you."

"For what Jess?"

"You have helped me so much over the last few week, the up and downs you were there. Even when I got my powers."

"It's what I would do for a girl like you."

"What dose that mean Danny."

"I love you. What would I not do for you."

"For better and for worse?"I asked.

"Ya, for better and for worse."

The emotions swirled in my head. The feels! I love him, and he loves me. And we both mean it!

"AHHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!" A girls voice cackled over the music.

"WHAT WAS THAT!" Danny franticly asked.

"I told you I felt like I was being watched!"


"GHOST!" The croud screamed.

I looked over to see not only were Sam and Tucker dancing together but a huge ghost girl standing by the DJ.


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