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It's Friday morning, the dance is tonight. Sam and I went dress shopping yesterday after school.

I picked out a short teal dress with black lace covering the teal, it's is also strap less and has a sweet heart neck line. So I'm going to be looking smexy tonight.

Sam dress is beautiful. It has a long flowing purple skirt and a black corset that has purple laces in the back. It also has fish net sleeves and she got some black gloves. She looked amazing when she tried it on.

Danny told me what he is going to be wearing is a surprise but Tucker is going to be wearing a black tuxedo with a purple tie to match Sam's dress. Cute.

After school we are all going home to get ready. Danny is going to get me and then we are going to meet Sam and Tucker and the dance.

Now I just have to get through the day.

My parents still haven't found out about the detention and I hope they never will.

No ghost since Sargent Drill appeared in detention so we have had a break.

"Jessica, I know you are exited about the dance but you need to focus on your art." My art teacher Mr. Crouser snapped me out of my dream.

"Sorry sir." I replied.

I looked down at what I was working on. It was a cartoon comic of me and Danny fighting Mirrage. It may be fake to most, but to me and Danny it's real.

And it always will be.


I ran into my house and threw my back pack onto the floor.

I sprinted up the stairs and into my room. The dance started at 4:00 and Danny will be here at 3:30 so that only gives me and hour cause I got home around 2:30.

I quickly throw all of the things I will need on the bed. Dress, make up, hair stuff.

Now I'm not much of a girly girl but right now I am just TO exited.

I took my make up and ran into the bathroom. I put on a small line of eye signer and some mascara I also but foundation on my acne and to finish it off I put some dark read lips stick.

It's 2:45, only got 45 minutes to go.

I grab my curler and run back to the bath room. Thank glob I'm the only one in the house I am making a lot of racket.

I curl up the sides of my hair to make it look wavy. I look up in the mirror and I look nice, For a ghostly nerd. Ha.

I run back to my room, 3:10! Crud! 20 minutes to get dressed I frantically rip off the cloths I am wearing and slip on my dress. I slip on some black leggings and some cute flats. I DO NOT WEAR HEALS. Sorry I don't like them.

I put on a nice braclet. Just a single silver band. I am ready!

I don't know how lady's do it. Talk about stress.

Only five minutes to spare! I took one last look in the mirror..ugh mirrors. I think I am now afraid of them gosh. But I do have to say I looked nice.

There was a knock at the door and I instantly knew who it was.

I ran down the hall, down the steps and to the door.

When I opened it there stood Danny in a black and white suite with a teal tie ( that matched my dress) and a tiny black box in his hand with a bow on it!

He looked Hot!

Ghost boy (danny phantom)Where stories live. Discover now