Sergeant Drill

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A huge man appeared. He wore all green camo and had on some strange flat hat thingy.

His chest was decorated in badges. He only had one leg the other was just a bleeding stump. Battle damage.

"I AM SERGEANT DRILL! DROP AND GIVE ME TWENTY!" The sergeant yelled. I am surprised Mrs Mannion hasn't heard yet.

"Naw, it's been a long day 'yawn' I'm tired." Danny sassed back to the military ghost.

I smiled at his sassy-ness.

"IF YOU SHALL NOT OBAY THEN THE ONLY WAY TO SETTLE THIS IS..COMBAT!" Good going Danny now you have made him angry! Where on earth is Mrs Mannion for all of this.

"Danny..I think you know what we have to do." He looked over at me and nodded.

We both stood up and I grabbed his hand. There was a flash of light and when I looked down I was in black and white. I looked through my now white bangs and smiled. Butt kicking time!

I flew up to the left of the ghost and started blasting him with my ghost ray. Danny did the same thing on the other side.

"HA YOU THINK YOU ARE THE ONLY ONES WHO CAN SHOOT!" Why dose this ghost keep yelling. Rude.

With that his wrists slid forward reviling tracks. His hand then flipped over showing two guns built into his wrist! WHAT!

He started shooting at us. Danny and I were flying around the room trying to not get shot. It's not like we had as much space like when we were outside the mall fighting Mirrage.

"What are we going to do!" I yelled to Danny.

"I don't know he doesn't seem to have any weak spots!"weak spots hummm.

"I know!..His battle scar! He MUST be sensitive there!" I felt so smart.

"Good thinking Jess. Quick we have to aim there!"

"Got it!" With that I flew straight towards him full speed at his limp leg.

Why do keep doing this!


I flew back into the desks making a huge noise. I looked up to see that Sargent drill had gone straight into the chalk board behind him! Score.

Danny came over with the thermos and sucked him up and inside. Dose he always have that on him? Well either way we got him. Sweet!

"We better hurry up and clean before Mrs Mannion comes in!" I warned Danny.

We both started moving desks and putting every thing in place. Except one thing. There was a HUGE crack in the chalk board.

We drew over it so that maybe the chalk can cover it but at this point there was not hope.

We both changed back to normal and sat in our desks. Then we began to pray and hope Mrs Mannion didn't notice.


"Hope your having fun." Mrs Mannion's voice boomed scaring me.

"I just had to pop into the bathroom, every thing looks fine here. I will be checking on you soon." With that she left.

Whew she didn't see the board. Saved by the chalk I guess.


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