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I ran back to the antique shop and I found Sam and Tucker standing there looking at me.

"Ummm.. Where is Danny?" Tucker asked.

"Ha ha funny story.. I sucked him into this thingy."

"You sucked him into the Fenton thermos!" Sam yelled

"Yaaaa but.. I got Mirrage so this is kinda a win lose situation." I replied.

"Ok we just have to go to his house and let him out. The only trouble will be not letting Mirrage out two." Tucker explained.

"Wait hold that thought." I took of into the GIRLS bathroom and changed back. Ya I'm me again. I ran back to Sam and Tucker.

"Ok let's go to Danny's house." Sam said.

"Wait will his parents be home?" I asked.

"Ya why." Tucker responded.

"I have never met them." I replied.

With that we started walking to Danny's house.


When we got to Danny's house Sam just bust open the door and ran in. We all followed her.

"Hi mr. And mrs. Fenton." Sam said as she ran in.

"Hi Sam, hi Tucker.. Hi.. Girl. Where is Danny?"mrs Fenton yelled from up the stairs (over the rail) she was wearing and blue-green jump suit with huge red glasses.

"My name is Jessica I am Danny's...Friend." I didn't really want to tell her that we were dating now...later..maybe.

"Umm..Danny is in the lab!" Sam blurted out.

"Ohh..ok..strange I thought he was with you oh well you kids have fun..nice meeting you Jess."mrs Fenton said.

"Same to you." I replied.

We ran to the basement. I was strange I felt almost like I was in my house.

"Sooooo how do we get him out?" I asked.

"Well we have to open the thermos just a bit and try to let only Danny out...but if Mirrage gets out then we will all have to try to get her into the portal." Tucker explained.

"Great more fighting." I complained. Inside I was almost exited. I can do things most people can't and I can use it every chance I get. I am starting to get use to my powers.

"Ready?" Sam asked.

I quickly transformed. I felt a chill run up my spine as I changes my appearance.

"Ready!" I replied.

Sam opened the thermos and Danny and Mirrage came flying out. Great.

I looked over at Danny and smiled. He was covered in scratches and rips in his suite.

"Okay?" I asked.

"Okay." he replied slightly smiling.

"Behind you!" He suddenly yelled.

I spun around and saw that Mirrage was right behind me. I quickly pushed out both of my hands and shot a green beam at her. She flew across the room into the wall next to the portal.

"TUCKER!" I yelled.

He ran towards the control panel and hit a button. The portal doors flung open. I shot Mirrage once more and she was sucked into the portal.

"Yaaa!" I yelled and jumped into the air.

"Uuuggghhh." Danny groaned.. Aw man Danny. I ran towards him he looked weak.

"Danny?" I quickly changed back to myself.

"Grab my hand." I spoke slowly.

He went to grab my hand but then fell back to the ground. He the turned back to himself and just laid there. By this time Tucker and Sam were at my side.

"We should take him to his room." Sam said.

"Ya I will carry him." Tucker added.

Tucker walked up to Danny and tried to lift him.

"Dang he has gotten way heavier."

"Ya it's called puberty." Sam sassed back.

"Step aside weaklings." I sassed as well.

I walked up to Danny and grabbed under neath his arms. With one foul swoop I picked him up and put him on my shoulder. I started walking up to Danny's room as Sam and Tucker once again were jaw dropped. I'm strong for a girl my size.

I smirked and kept walking as they followed me.


I laid Danny down on his bed. Wait how did he get hurt again. I guess I never had the chance to think about it.

" any of us even know why or how Danny got hurt."I wondered aloud.

"Humm never thought about that. I thought it happened in the battle with you and Mirrage." Sam asked.

"No he was Fine until.. I sucked him into the thermos." I replied.

"Weird.." Tucker added.

"Well I should be heading home." Sam said.

"Same here." Tucker replied.

"I should go to. I will check on Danny at 7:00." It was about 2 hours from now so after dinner most likely.

"Alright bye." Sam waved as she spoke and then she and Tucker left Danny's room.

I quickly bent down and kissed Danny's forehead.

"I hope your ok." I whispered. Then I ran to catch up to Sam and Tuck as we all walked home


Ghost boy (danny phantom)Where stories live. Discover now