15 ~ Confessing...

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I looked at the girls, unsure of what to say, because I was still in a daze. Marc must've also been in his own world, because he didn't answer either.

"Hello? Earth to Mae and Marc! Come play with us please!"Lilly begged, this time a little louder to make sure we heard her.

"Ehm, okay, we'll be there in a minute." I told them and waited for our little sisters to leave the room. The two girls were very excited and ran out of the door, laughing. I turned my head to face Marc who was still sitting next to me on the bed. He was already looking at me, with the corners of his lips turned up showing a small smile.

My heart told me to just grab him and kiss the hell out of him, but right in this moment, my mind and self-control were stronger. If I would kiss him now, there would be no turning back. I couldn't kiss him and then pretend nothing ever happened. Kissing someone was one thing, kissing a student another. No matter how badly I wanted to, I couldn't give into this. I knew it was going to be hard, because over the last couple of weeks I got to know another side of Marc. Not the cocky soccer player he was in school, but the loving older brother who you can talk to about anything for hours. Maybe I did develop some small feelings for Marc, but I had to make it clear to him that we couldn't pursue whatever was going on between us.

I had my mind set on my decision, but the hardest part was convincing my heart and teliing Marc. I'm pretty sure that I would feel miserably after telling him and I doubt he would feel any different. He never told me how much he really liked me or how he wanted things between us to continue, but considering how he talks and acts around me when we're alone I was sure he didn't want to let this go either.

I didn't realize that while thinking of all of this, a single tear escaped my eye, making its way down my cheek. I quickly tried to wipe it away before Marc could notice, but he did nevertheless.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He scooted even closer to me and gently brought his hand to my head to turn it so I would face him. "What's wrong Mae?"

He had a concerned look on his face which replaced the smile that had been there just seconds ago. It's now or never Mae, you have to tell him.

"Look, Marc..." I started but closed my mouth again. I didn't know how to say it. I felt like I would start sobbing if I would try speaking again.

Never in a million years had I expected to start falling for someone so soon after my breakup with David. I wanted to concentrate on my career, hang out with my friends and stay out of drama for a while. But here I was, crying in front of my student. No, crying in front of the student I was starting to fall for.

"Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry, I just... I thought you were okay with it..." Marc whispered next to me. My vision was still blurred from the tears, but I could see the sad look on his face.

"No, it's just... I mean, we..." I started but couldn't find the right words.

"Are you scared?" Marc asked me.

"Look, Marc, this..." I pointed between him and I, "we can't. It's wrong."

The room was filled with silence for a minute before Marc spoke up. "I know, but I can't help it. The moment I saw you I knew I had to get to know you. Just... imagine we would've met somewhere else. A club, on the street, or wherever. If you weren't my teacher, would you kiss me?" I was overwhelmed and just stared at Marc. His words made a warm feeling appear in my stomach and I was now sure that Marc was also interested in me. "Please Mae. Would you?"

"I like you Marc, I think you're an interesting person and I like spending time with you, but this is all pretty bad. I could probably get fired for sitting on this bed with you. "

Before Marc could react, we heard screams from outside. "Marc, Mae come down! You said you were going to play with us!"

"Come on, let's go!" I said before standing up. I looked back at Marc and held out my hand for him. He took it, while a sad smile was covering his face, and followed me outside.

The rest of the afternoon was spent playing hide and seek in the Browns' garden. Even though we had a lot of fun together, I couldn't stop thinking about mine and Marc's relationship.

At seven o'clock, it was time for Lilly and I to leave. We got Lilly's doll, which was still in Emma's room and went downstairs. I said my goodbye to Giselle and Emma and then stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to say to Marc.

"Let me walk you guys outside." Marc proposed and opened the front door for us.

Lilly was running towards my car, while Marc and I followed behind her. As I was helping my little sister to climb into the car, Marc stood next to us, leaning on the car door. After making sure Lilly put on her seatbelt, I closed the door.

"I would've done it." I said, looking into Marc's brown eyes. He furrowed his eyebrows and answered "What?"

"Kissed you."

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Much love from Germamy

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