Getting ready

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Raritys pov:

I had woke up early so that I could help applejack get ready for her recording session only to find her gaming in the front room with rainbow dash "Applejack! Rainbow dash! what are you doing?" They both paused the game and looked at me "Uhmm, well, erhm" I watched as rainbow dash had tried to explain "Save it rainbow dash you two should be getting ready for your recording" Applejack looked at me strangly "Rares, babe.. The recording is just our voices, we have no need to dress up for it" I looked at them both and smiled "I know that darling, but you might aswell look fabulous while your doing it" I Heard rainbow dash snicker next to applejack before leaning her head towards her and whispering to her "Really aj, How do you put up with this everyday?" I walked over to rainbow dash before speaking "I heard that rainbow!" Applejack was laughing while watching me and rainbow argue before finally cutting in "Okay, rainbow, go find fluttershy and get some clothes on, You cant sing in your pj's okay?" Rainbow laughed before leaving. Once rainbow had left I walked over to aj wrapping my hands round her waist "okay babe, lets get you dressed up" I went to turn around but failed as aj had pulled me back towards her and picked me up and whispered to me "I got better plans" She pulled her lips away from my ear making her way down my neck, I shivered at the contact which hadn't gone unnoticed by applejack who was now laying me on the bed "Applejack, darling, we really should be getting you ready" She smirked before peppering kisses along my stomach "Yeah, we should" I had heard what she said but it had all drowned out as her hand made its way into my underwear, I moaned softly as applejack slowly inserted one of her fingers in me. We had been interrupted the night before by an unwanted guest so I knew that aj would try and make up for it. We were tangled up in eachother body's coated in light sweat from our actions when we both heard a knock on the door followed by a very pissed off sounding rainbow dash "Applejack I know what you've been fucking doing, rarity isn't exactly quiet, but now you need to get up and get your ass dressed and showered pronto because we have to be ready to record in 1 hour!" Applejack jumped up and grabbed  the outfit I picked out for her before running into the bathroom, Leaving me to deal with rainbow dash "Hold on rainbow dash ill get dressed then you can come in "Fine just hurry" I jumped up before grabbing some clean underwear and clothes before puling them on and opening the door "Wheres applejack gone?" I looked at her and smiled awkwardly "Shes in the shower" Rainbow dash walked in followed by fluttershy "Hey, rarity Sorry bout rainbow dash, she just really wants today to go smoothly" I nodded my head in understanding before shutting the door behind them "Would you both like a drink? A tea to calm the nerves maybe?" Fluttershy was The first to answer me "Sure, strawberry tea please" I was about to go over and put the kettle on when rainbow dash stopped me "Ill do it, shes my girlfriend ill make her drink" I looked at fluttershy abit taken back by rainbow dashes sudden mood "What wrong with rainbow dash?" Fluttershy looked down with a concerned look on her face "Well, you know I like to write things in my diary right?" I nodded intriqued to see what she would say "well, instead of bringing my recent diary, I accidently bought one from when we were back in school" I looked at her confuse still not sure why that would lead to rainbow dashes bad attitude "and? its just a old diary darling, you have kept them for a long time" She shook her head and her face turned a little red "And, its the one where I used to write about my crush on discord, ever since shes read it shes been extra protective for some reason" I smiled now understanding why "Oh, makes sense" Fluttershy looked at me confused "It does? I cant figure out why it makes sense, she already knew I used to have a crush on him" I giggled a little bit before explaining what was happening to her "Yes daring, I know that she knew, But in your diary no doubt you wrote about how you felt towards him a little more in-depth am I correct?" She nodded so I know that I still had her attention "Well there's why, You wrote so in depth about how you felt, and clearly, rainbow dash feels insecure or even threatend by him" She nodded her head again but still looked slightly confused "You still look confused Darling whats wrong?" She looked down before explaining "That still doesn't explain why shes taking it out on my friends" I smiled again "Maybe its just because if you've felt like that towards someone else then its possible it could happen again" we had just finished talking about it when rainbow dash returned with fluttershy's drink, passing it to her before kissing her on the forehead and turning to me "Is applejack still in the shower?" I stood up walking towards the bathroom door "Yeah, Ill go and tell her to hurry up" I walked into the bathroom shutting the door behind me "Hey, applejack babe, are you ready yet" She poked her head out from behind the curtain before turning the shower off and stepping out completely dripping "Yeah, Just got to get dressed" I couldn't help but stare at applejack, I felt my cheeks burning red and just wanted to get her back in bed but I know that she  had somewhere to be so pulling all my strength together i gave her a kiss and walked out to tell rainbow dash "Shes, Just getting dressed" Rainbow smiled and headed towards the door "Ill see how everyone else is getting on"

rarijack: the rainbooms breakthroughWhere stories live. Discover now