Concert part 2

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Continues immediately from part 1.

Rarity's Pov:

Me and the girls watched as Applejack, Rainbow dash, Pinkie and Sunset took the stage, I couldn't Take my eyes off of Aj Who was Wearing; A pair of blue skinny jeans, a orange tartan shirt and her usual brown boots, her hair was also up in a bun and her hat was on top of her head. She looked really good, I took my eyes off of her for a second and looked round at the others who were just as surprised as me at what there girls looked like. I turned my attention back to The stage when We heard Pinkie pie "Helloooo everyone, Were The Rainboom's and were Here to perform Especially for you guys, Were so Excited to be here and we Hope you Enjoy Our music as much as we enjoy making it, this first song was written By Sunset, Have we got any Sunset Fans here?" I Was listening to pinkies speech But I still Hadn't Taken My eyes off of Applejack, That was Until I heard Pinkie Ask if there were any sunset fans. I watched as the crowed went wild.







I listened and heard people shouting all kinds off stuff and giggled as starlights face turned bright red "THAT'S MY FUCKING FIANCEE" All the girls looked at her including me and started laughing when we heard someone else "that's my fucking fiancee to". I looked back at the stage and saw Applejack Looking right at me with a huge smile on her face And was shocked, although she could have anyone in this stadium right now It was only Me she was interested in and I Honestly Felt myself fall More In love with her at this point. When the crowed finally quieted down Pinkie pie began To speak again "Okay looks like there's a lot of Sunset fans, Well we wont keep you waiting here we go this is Sunset's new song" We all listened and danced along enjoying ourselves including Starlight who was now over her burst of Jealousy from earlier.

(Time skip)

It was close to the end of the concert and the girls were rocking it, We were Honestly so proud of them it was unreal, They Had come and found us during The break and we had Jumped on them And told them how proud we were. I found out from Rainbow dash that the last song that was written by Applejack And I couldn't wait to Hear it. We had to go back to our V.I.P place to finish the show But To be honest It was just Background for me as All I wanted was to Hear Aj sing again. The other girls seemed Generally Impressed with Rara's Performance Except me, I knew I should Probably Have Forgiven Rara By Now But I just hadn't, I loved Applejack But I knew deep down That Rara still did to, And I wasn't going to Rule Out her Hitting on Aj just because She was Now In a relationship. I Must Have been deep in thought because I didn't Hear Fluttershy who was trying to get my attention, Until she Tapped me "Hey, Rarity?" I looked up at her and smiled "Sorry, Dear what were you saying?" She Looked at me concerned before She started speaking to me "Whats wrong?" I looked at her before denying that there was something wrong "Nothing darling, Why would there be?" She looked at me and raised her eyebrow before continuing to speak "Don't lie to me" I looked away before Gesturing for her to come with me. We excused ourselves from the girls for a moment before Heading outside the stadium, Once we were outside I explained to her what was up "The Rainbooms are doing good And I'm Honestly So proud of them, But I don't think Its something I want to be a part of" I watched to gage Fluttershy's Expression But was surprised that she seemed Understanding "I understand" I Raised my eyebrow at her "Really?" She nodded her head as she began to explain "You Aren't sure If you want Aj anymore, I know that you love her But you don't Love This version Of her, Am I right?" I shook my head and began speaking again "Sort of, I love Aj and I want to marry Aj And I'm Definitely sure that I want Aj. But, The Aj she Is now, Isn't the Aj I fell In love with. I don't want a Famous and Popular Girlfriend. I want the Aj who Loves to work On the farm and Who comes and sees me while I'm working At One of my Boutiques, I want the old Aj" Fluttershy Nodded "Can I confess something Rarity?" I looked at her to encourage her to go on "Sure" I watched as her face changed and she became nervous "Erhm, I Have been Feeling the same lately, I'm Not going to lie, I love Rainbow dash, But since shes been working with spitfire and Rara It's Like she has no time for me, We Haven't slept together Since she started working and that was almost 5 Months ago now, To be honest I feel more wanted by someone else I have been Talking to recently" After I hear Fluttershy say That I Instantly became Intrigued "Oh, And who's that?" Fluttershy Became shy Once again "I Can't tell you at the Moment, But If you Give me some time I will eventually tell you" I pulled Fluttershy in to A hug Just as comfort as I knew how Sensitive she was "Okay, I won't make you tell me who it is. But I will ask you to be careful, If you Leave Rainbow dash Make sure that You are Leaving Her for someone who good to you" I watched as Fluttershy Blushed a little But I decided to Ignore it. "We should Head Back In, We don't want to miss the last song" I offered Fluttershy My arm To Hold Before Heading Back Into the Stadium.

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