Morning after

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Rarity's pov:

I woke up to an arm over my waist, Turning over I saw Sunset next to me asleep. I was confused at first until I remembered that I had argued with Applejack last night, Climbing gently out of bed so I didn't wake sunset I put the kettle on Before I started to pack my bags. Today was the day that me, twilight, starlight and fluttershy went home. There was one thing I wanted to do before I left though so I Pulled my phone out and sent a text to Rara 

(Text conversation)

R) Meet me at the small coffee shop down the road from the hotel in 1 hour.

RR) Okay Why?

R) Just do it.

RR) Fine.


I quickly read the last message And got dressed to head to the coffee shop, I stayed quiet so I didn't wake sunset and left her a note so she didn't worry when she woke up 'hey, just had to pop out, i'll be back shortly, I'll grab coffee, Rarity xo' I wrote the note and quickly left to the bathroom so I could get changed and cleaned up.

(Time skip)

I was sitting in the cafe waiting for Rara when she finally turned up, She walked over and sat down all while faking to be happy. "Rarity, I'm glad you text, Although I did think you would prefer to be with Applejack today, After all, You do leave today" I Fake smiled at her before leaning across the table and speaking in a dangerously low tone "If anything happens between you and Applejack while I'm not about I swear it will be the last thing you do" After I said that I stood up and walked away leaving a stunned Rara still sitting in the cafe. After I had left I headed back to the hotel room with Coffees for me and Sunset, It was only a 10 minute walk and It wasn't long until I was standing outside My room letting myself in. As soon as I entered the room I walked over to sunset "Hey" Sunset turned around and I handed her the coffee I got for her "Here, I bought you coffee" Sunset smiled and sipped her coffee before speaking "where did you go this morning?" I frowned and sipped my drink before I told sunset "I went to meet Rara" Sunset almost spat her drink out "Why?" I sat down on the bed and sunset came and crouched in front of me "Why, Rarity?" I looked away from sunset afraid of what she would say "I warned her to keep away from Aj" Sunset sighed before standing up and sitting next to me "Look at me" I turned my head to face sunset "Look, I know that you're scared that Rara will want to get Aj while your not about but you gotta trust her" I knew that sunset was right but It wasn't applejack I didn't trust, It was Rara, I decided to tell sunset how I was feeling to see what she would say "Look sunset, Its not Aj I don't trust, Its Rara. Shes everything that I will never be, I'm a famous fashion designer but I'm not a famous singer I'm not as pretty as her and I can't give Applejack everything she wants" I watched as Sunset frowned "Your dense as fuck rarity" I was surprised by Sunset's reply But stayed quiet as I could Tell she Hadn't yet Finished talking "Look you say that you can't give Applejack Everything she wants But what you don't Realize Is you already did, She wants you and that's all And I'm Pretty sure that she has you, So therefore you already Given her everything she wants. I think you Should go see her She's still in my room With starlight" I Nodded and stood up before heading to see Aj with Sunset, As We neared the room I was suddenly stopped by Sunset, Wait here I think they are talking. We stood outside the room and waited for them to go quiet until we walked in, Starlight was the first up from where she was sitting as she ran and jumped on sunset "Hey baby" I stood looking at the two when I felt hands wrap around my waist, relaxing into the hold I suddenly Had a strange feeling, it was hard to explain but it felt as if I was where I was meant to be. I turned around to face applejack who was looking at me smiling "Hey babe, I'm sorry about last night, I shouldn't have left" I grinned before leaning in to her more "Its fine Darling, but there's a few things I wish to talk to you about if that's okay?" I watched as applejack nodded "its fine sugar cube, we can go back to our room and talk about it" She thanked starlight and sunset and left the room with me, Once we were back in my room applejack sat down "So, Whats wrong?" I walked over to the bed and sat next to her before explaining "Pretty much the same as last night, But I understand that this is something you have to do darling Just Promise that I won't loose you to Rara" I watched as she smiled she then pull me onto her lap and kissed me "I promise, I love you" I kissed Aj back then told her that I loved her to we sat there for a minute kissing until there was a knock on the door. Aj was the first up and she opened the door to rainbow dash, sunset, pinkie, Rara and spitfire, "Whats up guys?" rainbow dash was the first to answer her "Were leaving" Applejack looked at me but I was to shocked, I knew that we were leaving today but I didn't realize it would be so soon. I stood up and walked over to applejack's suitcase before picking it up and handing it to her "Here darling, Have fun, I will see you soon" I kissed her and immediately started crying, It took rainbow dash to pull me off Applejack before she could leave, After she left I walked over to the bed before laying on it wishing that she was here to. I must have fallen asleep while crying as I Woke up to see Fluttershy, starlight and twilight in my room, I was slightly confused so I asked why they were in my room "Hey, guys, what you doing here?" Fluttershy walked over handing me a drink and sitting next to me followed by twilight leaving starlight to explain "We kinda didn't want to be alone, and you have the biggest hotel room" I nodded in understanding "I get it, I don't exactly want to be alone either" we all cured up on my bed before switching the Tv on "I'll be right back girls" we all looked over to twilight as she left the room "Wheres she going?" I shrugged and turned my attention back to the Tv. It had been about 10 minutes and twilight suddenly walked back in "Where did you go?" she smiled before dropping all our stuff in the door way "I was just getting our stuff" We all nodded and thanked her. It had been a few hours since the girls had left and it was now time for us to leave, We picked up all our bits before we headed to meet tom out the front with the limo. We all climbed in before making our way back home.

rarijack: the rainbooms breakthroughWhere stories live. Discover now