Me or her.

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Rarity's Pov:

I was stood still with no idea How to manage this situation "Rarity, Who Are these Uncouth People?" I Looked at my Mum "That's applejack and Rainbow dash" My Mum looked at them With a Evil glance "Why are they here?" I rolled my eye's "Ones my friend The other is my girlfriend/Fiancee/ex" As soon as I mentioned Fiancee My mum's Face turned bright red "Fiancee? You mean to tell me that you accepted a marriage proposal from a woman?" Spike was now standing Up looking at my mum confused. "Your daughter is a lesbian?" My mum shook her head in disbelief "No, This is a set up, My Rarity would never say yes to marrying a woman, That's not the way I raised her" I looked at Applejack who Looked Like she was Just about Ready to smack someone "Will someone please tell me what the fuck Is Happening!?"  I walked over to Applejack trying to explain "Look, Applejack, It's Not what you think it is" Applejack Rolled her eyes as if she disbelieved me "What do you mean its not what you think it is?" Because I'm sure It is. Me and rainbow Traveled all the way from applewood after being unable to contact you for almost 48 hours because your phones off, Just to come back and get you Because there's no way I was letting you go that easily, But I come home and your Being proposed to By another Guy? Who the fuck is he anyway? and who's the homophobic bitch behind him?" I rolled my eyes at her "That guy Is the person I am meant to marry because my mother and father choose him, And that homophobic bitch as you have just put it is my mother" Applejack went quiet for a minute and I watched as tears threatened to fall from her eyes "So, That's why you left me? You don't want me because you wanna make your mum Happy?" I started crying after hearing that "No, I want you but a Lot has changed, You aren't the same Laid back Applejack I fell in love with, Your famous and A pop star now, And that's not the girl I fell for " Applejack was now crying which was hurting me more that I had ever imagined "So what your saying Is you don't Love me anymore?" I rolled my Eyes "Its not that Applejack, I still Love you, I want to be your wife, But I can't live with Someone who I feel like I don't know anymore" Applejack Walked over to me before once again Kneeling In front of me "Then, I'll Quit, I would Always Choose you Rarity, But the question Is, Would you choose me?" I looked down at her then Looked Up at My mum Who Had her eyebrow raised "Well, Rarity, You have a choice, Spike and me, Or Applejack and her... Acquaintances" I looked at Applejack then Back at my mum "You can't honestly want me to choose between you and The girl I love can you?" Rarity Looked at applejack Who had stood back up "Your right Rarity, you should't have to choose, You should be with your family, It's wrong If I even think About Letting you loose Them for me, I'm Going Back to Applewood" Applejack Was in tears at this Point before she Walked over to Spike, She held her hand Out and shook His "Treat Her well" She then Walked over to me before kissing me "I love you Rarity" I broke as I watched Rainbow lead her out and Into the Car, My mum Then Walked over to me shaking her Head "I'm Disappointed Rarity, But I'm Sure you and Spike will be Well suited" She then left and I was Once again Alone with Fluttershy, I walked Over to the sofa before Collapsing on in in tears. Just then I felt My head Get Lifted and I saw Fluttershy As she sat at the end of the sofa and put my head in her lap "I'm so sorry rarity, About All of this, I know how much Applejack meant to you, Rainbow will look after her, and who Knows maybe one day You two Will Finally get to be together" I didn't say anything and just laid in silence. 

(Time skip)

I woke Up still laying on Fluttershy's Lap as we had both fallen asleep, I sat up slowly so that I wouldn't wake her, I then Headed upstairs to get my Phone. I sat down on my bed Before switching it on. I hadn't had It on for 3 days so as soon as it Powered up It instantly came up with messages and missed calls. I looked through it and saw there were 8 missed calls and 14 texts from applejack, 5 missed calls from And 3 messages from Rainbow dash, 2 missed calls and 3 texts from sunset and 13 texts from Pinkie. I sat looking at my messages from everyone Except Applejack.

(Texts from Rainbow dash)

Rd) Where the fuck are you and Fluttershy!

Rd) Get your asses back here me and Applejack need you both!

Rd) Your an asshole rarity, were coming to get you stay put!!

(End of rainbows texts)

(Texts from sunset)

Ss) Hey Rarity where are you?

Ss) Answer your messages please I'm worried

Ss) Pick up your phone, You always talk to me whats going on?

(End of Sunset's Texts)

I decided I weren't going to Read all Pinkies as She had Copy and pasted the same thing 13 times, I couldn't bring myself to open Applejack's messages so I Just swiped the notification away so I didn't have to look at the name. I sat In my room and started crying again, I almost Had everything I could have wanted but I messed It up And watched as Applejack left. I was even more Pissed off That My mother Wanted me to choose, I thought about Applejack telling me she would Always Choose me and Had A sudden epiphany. 'Applejack would choose me, Shes always accepted me, She loves me, she wanted to marry me, With Applejack Its always been me' I sat for a second still Thinking 'With Applejack its always been me, Since college, And Its always been Applejack For me...' I Jumped up And dialed a number on my phone, It only Took 2 rings before there was an answer.

(Phone conversation)

Ss) "Hello, Rarity"

R) "Sunset, when Is the Rainboom's next concert?" 

Ss) "Hello Sunset How are you, Yeah I'm good"

R) Sunset Please I don't Have time for sarcasm Don't they Have a concert tonight?"

Ss) "This sounds urgent, Yeah They do why?" 

R) "Great I need you to do me a favor"

Ss) "Sure, What is It"

R) "Get Me And Fluttershy In The concert and get Us some stage time"

Ss) "Yeah I can Do that but Why?"

R) "You will see, And don't tell The others"

Ss) "Okay, Bye Rarity"

R) "Bye Darling"

(End conversation)

I Hung up The phone and Ran Downstairs before tapping Fluttershy To wake her "Fluttershy, Do you want Rainbow back?" She looked at me confused before Nodding "Well yeah But Rainbow will never forgive me for leaving her" I Grinned "Actually, she might I have An Idea" Fluttershy smiled at me "I'm listening" I grinned again before explaining "Okay, Do you still Have that song I wrote For Applejack?" Fluttershy nodded before smiling "Yeah I still got it it's back at my place" I grabbed her hand and dragged her towards the door "great were going to surprise the girls tonight and sing it at there concert" I watched as Fluttershy's face went from Calm To freaked Out "WHAT! NO I CANT, I HATE SINGING IN FRONT TO PEOPLE" I Put my hand on her shoulder to reassure her "Trust me, If you want Rainbow back this will work okay?" Fluttershy nodded before finally agreeing "Fine, Lets do this". We headed out the door and to Fluttershy's to grab the song before we headed to the girls concert. 

rarijack: the rainbooms breakthroughWhere stories live. Discover now