After recording

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Raritys pov:

The girls had finally finished recording and we all headed Back to the hotel room, Unfortunatly we had two guests joining us. Spitfire and Rara. I couldn't wait to get back but wasn't looking forward to having Rara in my hotel room again. The girls had decided that we were all going to go back to mine and Aj's rooms to watch a film and they also decided that Rara and spitfire were going to stay over. Rara was going to stay in with sunset and starlight and spitfire was going to stay in with twilight and pinkie, Just to avoid any unnecessary drama. We pulled up to the curb In the limo and headed upstairs to watch The daring do trilogy. Once everyone had settled down we all turned our attentions to the screen, Except me who was to busy focusing on my girlfriend, Im sure applejack knew I was looking at her because I could see her grinning. As if on cue, she leant over to me before whispering "Its the film you should be watching not me" I blushed a bit but answered her "No thanks darling, id much rather watch you" She was grinning and leant over to kiss me, but before she got a chance her attention was drawn away from me by Rara "Hey Aj, Could I have a word in the living room please?" Aj nodded before getting up and leaving. once they were out of sight rainbow dash looked at me strangely before getting up and leaving through the same door the girls had left prior. It had been about 10 minutes and all 3 of them headed back in but applejack and rainbow both looked like they had seen a ghost. Applejack walked over to me before whispering "Can I talk to you in the other room?" I nodded and stood up leaving to the other room. Once we were in their she asked me to sit down and right now I was feeling nervous "A-applejack, Whats wrong?" Applejack turned round and smiled slightly "Nothings up, I just got some news that's all" I was now feeling even more nervous "what do you mean applejack?" She Sat next to me and began to explain when rainbow dash came in with Fluttershy, She told Fluttershy to sit down the same way that Applejack had told me, she then Turned to Applejack speaking "Were you about to tell rarity?" I watched as Aj nodded "Yeah, and you were about to tell Fluttershy?" Rainbow dash nodded the tension in the room seemed a bit too much for Fluttershy and she seemed to snap a bit "Can someone please tell us whats going on?"  Both Aj and rainbow looked at her shocked before they started to explain to us "We just spoke to Rara, And thought we would tell you that me Applejack and the other two are, well" I was listening intently and was dreading where this going "We have to move" as soon as Aj said that I couldn't describe how I felt, It was like all the air in the room had left and Like my heart had just dropped. Rainbow dash was looking away and applejack was looking down. Fluttershy stood up and ran over to rainbow dash "What dashie, no please" rainbow dash looked at her her eyes tearing up "We have to flutters" I now stood up and walked to applejack who was still looking down, lifting her head up with my finger I looked her in the eye " When do you have to leave?" She looked down again sighing "Were leaving tomorrow, The places have already been sorted by Rara and Spitfire, The girls will find out later on" I Wasn't prepared for the news I had just received. I looked over to rainbow dash who was holding Fluttershy as if her life depended on it, I could tell that the girls weren't Happy with this choice But we had all agreed prior to the situation that the girls would do whatever they needed to succeed. After about 20 minutes everyone had gone back into the room only to see the movie paused and the girls talking. "I take it you have all just found out" Everyone nodded at me and sunset was the first to speak "yeah...Wasn't really expecting it" Everyone was quite surprised by the news Including me, But I hadn't yet cried and I hadn't yet spoken To Applejack about it properly. I went and sat down on the bed while the girls conversed I weren't really in a talkative mood tonight. Once the hustle and bustle had calmed down All the girls had returned to there rooms with the exception of me and applejack who were now laying in bed. "Hey, Rares, You've barely spoken since you found out that me and the other girls have to leave, Is everything alright?" I Turned over to look at applejack before I finally gave in and started to cry "No, everything is not alright" Applejack sat up and pulled me into her arms "Whats wrong sugar cube, Talk to me" I pulled away before I started to talk "Were gong to be separated babe, You won't be around as much, Were not going to see each other And I'm going to loose you" Applejack pulled me close to her again before speaking softly to me "Yeah, were going to be apart, But no your not going to loose me, I would say you can come with me but you have so many responsibilities that you can't give up" I frowned as more tears fell from my eyes "I know we said that we were going to do whatever it takes for you to succeed but I don't think I can support this decision" I felt applejack pull away a bit when I said that and I was concerned that I had upset her. I watched as applejack paced around the room "What do you mean? I thought you were going to support everything the Rainboom's did?" I stood up and walked over to her and went to hug her when she pulled away "Applejack, look I know I said I would support you, but it looks like I can't, I'm sorry" I watched as applejack put her things in a bag "where are you going?" She walked towards the door before turning to face me "I'm, going to stay with one of the other girls, I need to be alone, I know that this might not be a big thing for you but to me it is, the rainbooms have tried to get somewhere since college and now we have" I stood and watched as applejack left, I watched the door shut and immediately broke down and went to lay on our bed. I must have been crying for a while as I didn't hear the door open, I was startled when I heard a voice from behind me "hey, Rarity I heard you and applejack had a argument what happened" I felt the bed dip next to me and turned over to look at who was addressing me "Hey Sunset, it's a long story, I'd rather not talk about it" I Stayed laying on the bed expecting sunset to leave but instead of leaving she crawled under the covers and got comfortable. I was confused as to what was happening and sunset picked up on it as she began to speak once again "I'm not leaving your side tonight, starlights with applejack so I will stay with you" I was grateful that she was such a good friend and felt a bit better now she was here, I smiled at her before I turned around to get comfortable, finally drifting off to sleep with sunset next me me.

rarijack: the rainbooms breakthroughWhere stories live. Discover now