Concert Part 1

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Rarity's pov:

I was sitting in the stadium watching the girls set up for there concert tonight when Rainbow walked over to me with Fluttershy I looked up and saw Fluttershy Look at Rainbow dash With The look that Always made me roll my eyes "What do you need from me now?" Rainbow looked at me before nervously giggling "I need You and Fluttershy to pick up some bits we left at the house If that's not a problem" I raised my eyebrow knowing that that wasn't all she needed "I also kinda need you to both pick Up Rara and Spitfire" I stood up and huffed "Fuck sake rainbow, why can't they get their own transport?" Rainbow shrugged "I have no Idea I mean Applejack will probably Know more, Shes always talking to Rara and spitfire" Fluttershy rolled her eyes then kissed rainbow before grabbing my hand and taking me to rainbows car, I grimaced a little before heading to the passenger side "Fluttershy are you even insured to drive rainbows car" Fluttershy looked at me as if I was crazy "do you honestly think I would drive it if I wasn't insured?" I just shrugged before climbing in "So Where are we picking them up from?" She pulled her phone out then Handed to me "I have no idea Just tell me the directions" I nodded as we headed off. We went to The house first to grab the stuff for rainbow before setting off to pick up Rara and Spitfire, The Drive was quiet So me and Fluttershy decided to put some music on, Plugging the aux cable into my phone I found a song the Rainboom's performed and put it on. Fluttershy turned the music up and we ended up singing along and dancing in the car until we reached or destination, Once we arrived we pulled up outside one of the finest Establishments in Applewood, Of course Spitfire and Rara were already outside waiting for us. They saw the car and walked over before climbing in, The drive back to The stadium was awkward and quiet and I'm pretty sure everyone was uncomfortable. When we arrived at the stadium there were a lot of people already starting to Queue outside We drove round the back and Parked before 3 Men In black suits Opened our doors "Please step this way" We obliged and followed them Into the stadium where Aj and the girls were Practicing When They spotted us they Stopped and came over "Hey girls" I walked over to Aj and went to Kiss Her when One of the security stepped in the way, I Looked at Aj who looked Just as pissed off as me. I watched as she turned To him "Erhm, thats my girlfriend, Can you move?" He looked me up and down before Raising his eyebrow and moving, Once he was out of the way I once again Leaned in And actually managed to kiss her this time. When I finally Pulled away from Applejack I stood hugging her while she was talking to Fluttershy and sunset, The Security guard obviously Didn't like it and told me I had to Let her go. I was starting to get Real pissed off now So I Just stood and Ignored Him And so Did Aj, He Then put his Hand between us to separate us. I Turned around and went to swear at him when Fluttershy came up behind me and put her hand over my mouth "Sorry sir" She then dragged me away and took me down to a secluded part of the stadium "Rarity, chill" I looked at her and she could tell that I was pissed "Why, Like did you see the way he was getting in the way??" Fluttershy Giggled a bit "Trust me I know they are Horrible but they are the girls security" I rolled my eyes "yes but she's my girlfriend" It was Fluttershy's turn to roll her eyes "Yeah, and I'm rainbows but that don't mean nothing to there security, Unless the girls tell them Its fine, They Have to do it" I shrugged "Fine, What time is the girls concert?" Fluttershy checked her watch before smiling "It starts in a hour, They started letting people in about and hour and a half ago" me and Fluttershy started to head towards the V.I.P stands where we were meeting twilight and Starlight. Once we got there we showed the security our passes and walked in to find them both sitting right above the Rest of the crowd eating chocolates. "Hey girls" They both turned around and greeted us "Hey, come sit down we got the best views in this whole place" We all smiled before we started discussing the concert. "So, Whats the line up?" Twilight pulled out a timetable of everything before showing us. "The concert is about 5 - 6 hours there are 2 breaks. The girls open the show with a few of there songs, Then they Break while Rara Performs, Then Everyone takes a break And then they do a collab on a Exclusive song together" We all nodded in understanding "What songs are they performing?" Twilight shrugged "That I don't know, I'm assuming the songs from there New album" The lights Flashed Signalling that the concert was going to start In about 10 minutes so we Started to get comfortable. Me and Fluttershy Looked at the crowd and It was massive The stadium was full. Starlight started giggling suddenly Causing everyone to look at her "Erhm, Starlight whats so funny?" She turned and looked at me "Oh, Sorry, Just, Imagine how many of these girls and boys wanna fuck our girls, Its kinda hilarious" I raised my eyebrow at her "How? if any of them even touch my Aj I will smack them" All the girls giggled. The lights flashed again signalling the start of the show so we all turned our attention to the stage. We all watched as spitfire walked out and Began announcing "Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to the Rainboom's concert, I have been working with this group for a while now and I know they will not disappoint, So will you all please Put your Hands together for THE RAINBOOM'S!" We all stood clapping and whistling getting ready to See our girls in action.

rarijack: the rainbooms breakthroughWhere stories live. Discover now