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Shock was the only way to describe how I felt in this moment. I shook my head as I tried to regain my breath.

There was no way that the person I had just crashed into could be who I thought it was. Right?

Before I could get further into my thoughts, the sound of my phone ringing brought me back to reality. I checked the caller id and groaned, it was Zayn. I knew there and then that he would kill me. I declined the call, enjoying the distant hum in my ears from the engine that was still running.

Still running?

I was pulled out of my thoughts again almost as quickly as I'd gone into them. I was a terrible person. I had caused a car accident and instead of checking on the person that I'd hit, I had began day dreaming. All of a sudden unbuckling my seatbelt didn't seem as big of a task as it had felt before entering the party.

I swung the door open and stumbled over my own legs as I attempted to get out of the car as quickly as possible. Guilt was already rushing through my veins, clouding my thoughts as I headed towards the accident that was only about 10 feet away from me.

The car I had hit was a mess, it was a black bmw which if it wasn't for the situation, I would admire. However, it was on its side propped up against an old tree that it must've hit. The hood of the car was bent inwards, and the side of the car that I could see was badly indented. I could only hope that my insurance would cover this.

Was that an insensitive thought to have?

As I walked further towards the car I noticed that the drivers seat was on the side that was facing the ground. Knowing that I would be unable to lift the car myself I called 999, and hoped that the ambulances and whatever else they bought would be able to sort out this mess. The fact that I was put on hold was ridiculous. Like for all I know the man in there could be dying or something. When I was finally put through to the lady on the receiving end, I struggled to keep my expression neutral as I explained the details. On the inside, the panic I felt was nauseating.

They assured me that they would be here as soon as possible and told me to avoid the passenger. Considering that no one knew the extent of his injuries at this point, it was possible that movement could damage the man further.

The mans car was silent, too silent. I was not smart by any means but I knew that that was not a good sign. Surely the green eyed driver would've made some effort to communicate by now.

Nothing. No sounds. No movements.

"Hello," I called out. But there was no answer.
"You alright in there mate?" Still no answer. Have I killed him? God I hope not, I can't even begin to imagine what I would do with myself if that were the case.

Even at the thought of that, my eyes prickled with tears that threatened to expose my tough exterior. I attempted to look at the driver, to see if he was okay, but of fucking course the windows were tinted. I considered smashing them but honestly, was I really willing to spend even more money than necessary trying to cover the costs of this stupid wreck?

The wait for the ambulance was taking far too long, my body was twitching with impatience. I went back to Zayn's car in search for something to calm me down. I had been free from the cancer causing sticks for months now, and my lungs thanked me for it. But the idea was all too tempting. I needed something to calm my nerves, and nicotine was a temporary fix, one which I much needed.

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