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Work was a drag.

To say Niall had been driving me slightly insane, would have been a massive understatement.

The Irish boy had been bombarding me with questions, constantly, along the lines of what Harry had said when he had arrived at mine. And honestly, all confusion that may have surfaced as to how he knew that the green-eyed boy was coming in the first place, flew out of the window as soon as he revealed that he had been in fact the one to expose my address.

"But what if he had come to murder me?" I had asked, obviously not a single trace of sincerity behind my question.

Niall had simply rolled his eyes, "Yes.... Harry Styles...the boy who cried when he accidentally stood on a dogs paw... would have gone to murder you." His tone depicted nothing but mockery.

I shrugged, "It's always the ones you least expect, Nialler." I replied, a smirk upturning the edges of my lips, as I tried to hold back on the fond expression that was sure to overpower my face if I thought about Harry with dogs for too long.

And for once in my life, as I slipped into my own thoughts, I had been able to smile. No trace of sadness evident in my eyes, as I recalled one memory in particular.

The memory of Harry and I sat on my childhood bed, planning out our future. We were young and naïve, at the time, to think that all would be as smooth sailing as the fairy tales. We had planned that we would move in together, in a one bedroom apartment. We knew that it was small, yet it was all that we thought we needed. The sweetness and innocence of that thought still continued to cause my heart to leap, because even as young as we were, we were certain of what we wanted.

Harry had insisted that he wanted a cat, yet I had found out at a very young age quite how bad my allergies to them were. But I had been willing to go through the itchy eyes and runny nose if it meant seeing the chocolate-haired boy smile. And when I had told him that, he simply pulled me into a warm embrace. An embrace so tight, that I could still, to this day, feel his grin against my neck.

He had then proceeded to offer up
the idea of a hairless cat, to which I had scrunched up my nose in disgust. Harry had thrown his head back in laughter, my own face mirroring his expression. And before long, we decided on a dog. A dog that we could spoil, as much as I had planned to spoil him. A dog that we could love, as much as I had planned to love him.

And it was safe to say, that I had followed through on the latter end of the plan. And a new idea surfaced in my mind, that perhaps now, we could write our own fairy tale ending. An ending in which I could tell others and be proud to say, that it was the best thing that I possibly could have asked for out of life. It was stupid of me to think of our future, so early on in our relationship; yet I wanted that chance, yearned for that chance,

and I would get that chance.

Yet I stood there now, with a frozen expression upon my face. A bag of coffee beans glued to my hand, as I absorbed the chiming of the door being opened. As I absorbed the tall man who slowly approached me. As my body made no feasible attempt to move from behind the counter.

My breath was caught deep within my torso, as I allowed for my eyes to admire the gorgeous figure in front of me. A smirk slowly beginning to grace his features, at my quite frankly understandable reaction.

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