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"Are you sure?" I questioned, my eyes trained on his expression, "It might take a while."

"I've got all the time in the world." He replied.

It was important for me to be sure that this was what he really wanted. If he had forgotten it, it must have been for a good reason. Possibly an unexplainable reason, but still a reason non of the less.

I nodded, coughing to release some of the built up tension within me, as I began the explanation.

"Okay, so I'll try not to go into too much detail," Harry nodded, signalling for me to continue, "Basically, I was left at the Orphanage when I was around twelve? Yeah twelve. And I didn't have many friends, because I was like sad all the time and people thought it was weird for a child of my age to be so down, constantly. That was until you came. Do you remember arriving?"

He shook his head, muttering out a small, "Nope. I only remember some kid called Stanley, and another called Jake."

"There wasn't a child called Stanley?"

"Yes. There was."

"Okayy, then." I brushed it off, assuming he was simply confused, "Well, when you arrived, you must've been ten. And you looked so vulnerable that I just had to let you under the Tommo wing," I winked, "Well actually, Miss Roberts told me to look after you. Remember her?"

"How could I forget?" He released a small chuckle, but stopped instantly when he noticed my expression drop down toward sadness, "Sorry." Harry mumbled.

I allowed for a small smile to grace my lips, looking down briefly, "N-no worries. Well anyways, the first thing you did was run directly into my arms. You kinda just broke down."

The green-eyed boy muttered, "That's embarrassing." A blush coating the highest points of his face.

"Nah, nah. Thought it was adorable, not going to lie." I laughed.

The colouring of his cheeks progressed from a rose colour, to a scarlet.

"Anywaysss," I continued, "Basically, we just became really close friends. Joined at the hip. We did everything together, felt each others emotions, knew how to cheer each other up. I don't know how to explain it really. I've never had that kinda relationship with anyone."

Harry looked briefly up at me, connecting our visions into one beautiful alliance.

Inexplicably, even after all of this time, I still could not seem to quieten the butterflies which erupted each and every time our eyes met.

"You used to suffer from night terrors. Badly. Do you remember that?"

I felt it a necessity to educate myself on how much he remembered of his time at the Orphanage. It allowed me to understand his point of view better, understand how to explain the story in a way which would best represent the bond in which we had with one another.

Harry gulped, "Y-yeah. I remember those."

"Well one night, you had a bad one. And please don't punch me when I tell you this next bit." I chuckled.

"No promises."

I nodded, "Okay. Well. I went to comfort you, as I did every time, and for some reason it clicked then and there, how beautiful you were. Like erm...how much you meant to me. You know?"

He hummed in order to show that he understood what I had meant.

"And I may or may not have kissed you." I blurted out, pulling my hand to my hair in both distress, and an un-profound level of embarrassment.

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