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(Dedicated to Mr_skittles5  // LashtonBabies04  // HoeForNiall  // Smolbean91 // yourmycanvas for taking the time to read previous chapters. )


It's been three days. Three days of convincing myself that it was a dream. Three days of convincing myself that seeing him that vulnerable didn't break my heart all over again.

I know deep in my mind that I should've gone to the hospital with him, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Because of my stupid actions, I was left with a hefty bill and a bunch of reopened childhood scars.


"Loueh mate. You know, unless you go prostituting yourself to old ladies, you're going to have to get a job. I mean let's be honest, I ain't paying for the damage of that stupid car accident." Zayn spoke. And although it irritated me to agree with him, I had to admit that he was right. I couldn't expect him to pay for my actions, for once in my life, I had to take matters into my own hands.

"Err yeah, I don't know about you, but I'm going to stay well away from wrinkly vaginas for the time being." I decided to reply to his prostitution comment, not allowing him to see that for once he was correct.

"Hey, don't knock it 'till you try it." He smirked. The thought of that alone made vomit rise to the back of my throat.

I sighed, letting out a small laugh, "Thing is Zayn, I cant even tell if you're joking."

He shook his head in disbelief before saying, "Of course I'm joking you nonce. Anyways, I could probably get you a job at the Café that Perrie works at. Nice little place, all homey and shit."

"If I'm made to wear a suit to the interview you better know I'm not even gonna set foot in that place." Zayn knew me well enough to know that I'd rather die than be seen in something so atrocious.

"No suit, and no qualifications needed surprisingly." He paused before continuing, "Perfect for someone of your brain capacity."

I nudged him in the ribs with my elbow causing him to groan over in pain, laughs escaping his perfect mouth. Perfect mouth? Oh god. I shook the thoughts out of my head before they could get too far, "Ha Ha, ever considered a job as a comedian?" I said, sarcasm dripping from my words.

"Lou, you know I'm only messing with ya." He smiled, and I smiled. And for a brief moment I forgot about everything that mattered. "Get yourself sorted out, and I'll give Perrie a ring."

I nodded in agreement and headed to my bedroom, away from the living room that held the Bradford boy. As I reached the door I felt a vibration in my pocket. I lifted the screen of my phone as the glow revealed that it was a message from Stan asking me to ring him. What the hell?

However, I brushed the confusion aside and decided to do what the boy had asked. He picked up almost immediately.

"Louis? Are you alright mate?" The voice flowing through the speaker sounded urgent, worried even.

"Err yeah, I mean why exactly did you want to talk? No offence or anything." I paused, trying to figure out a way to put across my words, "I just haven't heard from you much since we finished school, and even then we weren't that close let's be honest." I ended up coming across as rude, but flashbacks of him pinning me up against the wall on my first day at the new school clouded my mind. If it hadn't been for Zayn and Liam I dread to think what would've happened. Stan ended up growing on me, but even so it wasn't much. He had short brown hair and his smile wasn't contagious, his eyes held no light behind them and it always left me wondering what had caused that?

"Yeah, yeah but I heard about the accident."

"From who?" I asked, frowning.

The silence on the other line went on for a second too long, "Zayn."

For some reason I decided not to question it, unlike me and Stan, Zayn had kept contact with him and so it didn't surprise me that it came up in conversation.

"Fair enough, yeah I'm fine. Thanks for the concern." I sounded bitter, and I was. It proved my point exactly. My point being that people only seemed to care once it was too late. And yes I had come out physically unharmed, but mentally... I had not.

"Maybe, u-uh you wanna hang out tomorrow or something?" He sounded nervous, and that only added to my confusion.

"I'm busy, I can't sorry." I said, hanging up hastily. I had no time for fake friendships, especially considering my time now had to be spent on a job.

I walked over to my bed, groaning as I sat down. My body ached, which was no surprise really. I reached over to my bedside drawer, pulling out the thing that kept my deepest secrets.

My journal.

It was something I used whenever I was feeling down, something to express the way I truly felt without fear of judgment. But the thing I refused to do was read over it; I couldn't bring myself to relive the majority of my memories and feelings that were scrawled over the pages.

I pulled out a pen alongside it, and began writing. Getting lost in the emotions. Words wrote themselves, tears fell freely. And finally, I felt as if I could breathe again. I wrote about the feeling in my chest, the feeling of a broken heart which had yet to be fixed; and perhaps never could. As I laid down the final word on the page, Zayn walked in, giving the journal a questioning glance. However, he didn't mention it. He didn't mention the way my eyes still brimmed with tears, the way my eyes were no longer the same bright blue, filled with happiness that they once were. And that's what I loved about him. Although he didn't express verbally that he was worried, his face held all the expressions I needed to know, that he did in fact care.

Zayn cleared his voice, trying his best to remove the frown that was etched onto his face, "Perrie said she could get you an interview tomorrow." He gave me a proud but quick hug, "I'm heading out, family night and all. You know how it is."

I gave him a smile, assuring him that I knew exactly what he meant. I loved Zayn's family. They were all so caring and loving of him and I knew that they would be there for him no matter what. I wished for a love like that, a love that I had never received from my own parents, or from anyone for that matter. And I could just hope that maybe, just maybe one day I could know what it felt to be loved like that. A love so pure and unconditional. The thought alone made me slightly happier, hopeful even.

"Get some rest lad, you look shattered." He laughed before pulling me in for once last hug and ruffling my hair.

"Your compliments never fail to flatter me." With that he laughed, and made his own way out of my apartment.

Leaving me alone once again, with nothing but my thoughts.

(A/N slightly shorter chapter than usual due to exams and stuff but I hope you guys don't mind?

Let me know what you're thinking of the story so far and any tips on how to improve?

Maybe leave a comment and a vote if you enjoyed? Thank you all once again for taking the time to read I love you all)

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