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"Fancy doing something."

"Louis it's three in the morning."

"So?" I questioned.

"So it's three in the morning."

I let out a puff of air. We were laid out on our backs, an hour in silence, purely enjoying the others company. I could hear his pulse, it was music to my ears. The slow rise and fall of his chest, visible only slightly within the darkness, was enough to send me into a state of calm.

"Come on, I've got a place you might like." I turned to my side, observing the way in which his eyelashes fluttered.

"I know for a fact I won't like it," Harry began, "I don't like anything apart from my bed at three in the morning."

"Please." I pouted, Harry avoiding my gaze as if he knew one turn towards me would have him leaving hand in hand with me out the front door.

"Depends what the place is."

"It's a magical little kingdom made just for you." I smirked.

"Is it a morgue." He scoffed.

"Harry." I whined.

"If it's going to shut you up I'll do anything." He smirked.

I pretending to cry out in pain, causing for the younger boy to elbow me in my ribs to put an end to my teasing.

He got up from the bed, running a hand through his hair. Still dressed in the clothing from the previous night, as was I.

"Where you going?"

"To your magical kingdom." He rolled his eyes, yet the action was accompanied by a slight laugh.

"Really?" I asked, in awe that he would be willing to listen to me.

"Yes, now get your ass out of that bed Tommo."


"It's fucking freezing." Harry grumbled, his words causing for a smoke like haze to surround us.

"Aw, does Harold need a hug." I laughed, pulling him into my side in the process.

"How far away is this shitting kingdom of yours." Harry mumbled, pulling his head further into his coat, in an attempt to retain warmth.

"Not far." I said, smiling as we approached a small park.

"Oh my god," Harry spoke out, a grin on his face, "if you don't push me on that swing I'm ending it."

I let out the loudest laugh humanely possible, "You've got to be joking."

"Nuh Uh." He said, as he began to skip towards the swing set.

"How old are you again?"

"Louis, you dragged me out of bed for this, at least let me act like a child."

"But we need to get to my secret spot." I grinned as I watched him mount himself onto the seat, hands at either side.

"Louis, just a couple of swings, please?" He pouted.

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