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Our gazes were locked, the two of us drowning in the sexual tension. I wanted for nothing more than to just press my lips against his and wreck him then and there. Yet for some reason, at the back of my mind, I felt it a necessity to take things slowly with him. I only had one chance, and I was going to make sure that I took full advantage of that.

I had not waited the majority of my life, pining after somebody, for it to just be ruined by my impulses.

"Alright, sweetcheeks. Hand over the keys...I'm driving." I said, stepping away from his personal bubble, and instead leaning against the space next to him.

Harry stayed frozen for a few more beats, before blushing and coughing awkwardly, "U-uh...yeah! Of course! Silly me. I'm sorry I forgot you were the one doing all of this. I-it's just that I'm not used to other people taking control, you know?"

I paused for a moment, my mind drifting to unwanted places.

I laughed, sending a wink in his direction, "You will be once I'm finished with ya."

"Louuu..," he groaned in embarrassment, bringing his hand up to his face and rubbing it in order to hide the flushed colouring, "Stop with the innuendos. My poor little heart can't handle that."

The boy looked down at me with puppy eyes that not even the worlds biggest sociopath could resist. Like honestly, how could anyone resist this boy?

I reached into his back pocket, earning a squeal  in response, as I took out the keys that I had watched him place earlier.

"My poor heart can't handle you in general...but I'm not complaining am I?" I smirked, stepping across him in order to open the passenger door. I signalled for him to step inside.

He flushed at the gesture, but quickly concealed it, "And they say chivalry is dead...pshhh...Obviously haven't met a certain Tomlinson, now have they?" Harry bowed, and giggled, before entering himself into the car.

I laughed loudly in return, giving a small salute. As I walked around to the drivers seat, all that I could feel was my heart clenching in emotion. And it made my smile grow even larger, because I was finally happy again.

Harry had given me the opportunity to be happy, and the curly-headed boy had no idea just how much that meant to me.

I slipped myself into the threshold, and made myself comfortable behind the wheel. I placed my hand on Harry's thigh, squeezing it, and patting it gently, before returning it to the gear stick. Although the car journey had yet to begin.

"What'cha smiling at, Boobear?" He giggled, leaning his head over to rest on my shoulder.

I had to bite back the urge to confess just how much I loved him at that moment, my smile only growing fonder at the nickname, "You remembered?"

"Of course! Now tell me..." he whined.

"Just happy to be with you, that's all." I brushed the curls away from his eyes, his head still leaning against my shoulder.

He slowly pulled away, facing me now, yet another blush growing slowly against his cheeks, "What did you mean when you said that your heart couldn't handle me?"

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