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Louis POV

I shut the door a little too hastily behind me, attempting to calm my shaky palms. The noise of the door shutting echoed throughout the apartment complex; earning me a few dirty glances from passing neighbours.

I made my way down the stairs, taking two at a time, a habit that I was well acquainted with. By the time I had reached the bottom I was practically gasping for air. I mentally cursed the building for not having elevators.

I stepped out of the large doors that separated the worn down complex from the outside world, taking a moment to absorb my surroundings- something which I did nearly everytime I'd leave.

I found it nice to take a few moments out of my day to observe the busy rush of people as they made their way through the sardine-like packed streets of London. It left me wondering what their lives were like.

Had I just walked past someone who was grieving, a murderer or even the one who I was destined to be with?

I would never know, because I would never see them again. And it left me with the thought that perhaps if we all took those few moments of the day to take in our surroundings, if things would be different?


I took the first step away from the ledge that had covered me, being instantly met with the force of an angry downpour of rain.

I shuddered into myself, instinctively wrapping my arms around in a protective manner.

I kept my head down, not meeting the gaze of any, for I had already had the time to people watch.

The distinctive sound of 'city' filled my ears, and I shook my head, still trying to take away the ache that was spreading through my mind.

It's not that I didn't like cities; I did. I loved living here, and I'd take it over the Doncaster area that I'd grown up in, any day of the week.

But I was just in a bad mood. As simple as that really. I seemed to be in a bad mood a lot recently, and no one knew why. I myself didn't know why.

My legs, already beginning to hurt from my lack of exercise, moved coordinately towards the small café that held the chance to pay off my debts.

I had hardly noticed I'd arrived until I looked up to see the glowing sign. 'Coffee House' it read, I scoffed, how original.

I opened the door that led into the shop, ruffling my fingers through my hair in order to release some of the unwanted drops of water to the ground.

I looked around before spotting a familiar blonde behind the counter, who smiled largely at me, using her hand to usher me towards her.

I noticed that the place was pretty empty which was strange to me considering it was 12:50am.

"Hey, Perrie," I returned her smile once I'd finally made my way to where she stood, busy grinding up coffee beans.

"I assume you're here for the interview, I could do with some company," she paused before looking briefly to the blonde boy beside her. She whispered loudly, making sure he could hear, "Niall here isn't much help, he's a bit boring really."

Niall I assume, swatted Perrie lightly, bottom lip automatically sticking out in a pout, "Shut up. I'm not boring? Right? You don't actually mean that do you? Because if you do, is there like anything I could chang-" his face beginning to go red from blurting out words so fast it seemed impossible.

"Niall, chill out. I'm joking, you know we all love you. Who couldn't with a face like that?" She joked, messing up his hair with her hand in the process. He smiled at her then, as if he were a dog that had been accepted into the family.

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