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Dedicated to RoxyDirection and 280913larryish

I was shocked, winded with the feeling that those words had left. I felt paralysed within myself, but couldn't let it show, for he did not know who I was.

The girl beside the man found it her turn to speak, "Harry, who is this kid?" Not a single ounce of remorse present in her voice, solely judgement.

He shook his head, shooting me an apologetic smile that said - I wish I could say that I know you, but I don't - and replied to the quite frankly arrogant female, "I'm not sure love, but there's no need to be rude, to.." insinuating that I introduced myself.

I coughed, running my hand through my hair before presenting it to the lady, "Louis." I smiled as brightly as I could possibly muster without grimacing at the fake-ness of it all.

I had no doubt in my mind that this alluring man could not possibly be the same Harry I grew up alongside. That same boy who I shared some of my best memories with, but also my worst. It was impossible, he would've remembered me. I'm sure of it.

But the coincidence of it all was far too great. Same name, same eyes, same smile, same dimples, same everything.

I however, couldn't allow myself to accept that.

The man sat currently in front of me had to be a different man all together, I needed to believe it if I were to survive the heart break that were to come with the acceptance, that I had in fact been forgotten.

The lady swatted my hand away, in refusal to shake it, "Erika." She grumbled, not meeting my eye.

The man shot her a pointed look, the disapproval of her behaviour radiated from his expression, "Well Louis," he took out his hand for me to shake, which I accepted, ignoring the sparks that burned through my body in turn, "I'm Harry, as you already know, somehow." He chuckled, eyes sparkling, dimples creating the most perfect crevices in his clear complexion.

"Oh, yeah." I laughed, awkwardness evident in my voice, not really sure what exactly was going on at this moment in time.

"How exactly is it that you know me? Not to be rude or anything," he glanced briefly over at Erika before continuing the conversation at hand, "But I'm sure I would've remembered a man such as yourself."

I kept telling myself that this wasn't him, and so I once again braved another smile, "Reminded me of an old friend that's all. But the coincidence sure is uncanny."

The green-eyed man giggled before jokingly nudging me in the ribs, "You could say it was fate."

I laughed at that, ignoring the way my heart fluttered at the possibility that it had in fact been fate that bought us together once again. My best friend and the man who consumed my every thought was sat in front of me, after all of these years, and yet disappointment caused a pang deep inside my chest.

"Are you quite finished boys?" Erika spoke out, voice as sharp as daggers, destroying what joy could have possibly been bought to me through the conversation.

"Eri-" Harry began, clearly growing tired of her. I however, made sure to cut him off.

"Sorry, how rude of me. I'll be off now," I appointed each of them with a signature 'Louis' smile. Yet for anyone who knew me, it was clear to see that I was anything but happy. My smile told one story, but my eyes were where you had to focus your attention. The brightness was gone, only a dull remainder of the blue pigment left in its absence, "It was really nice to meet you both, sorry for the inconvenience lads. Oh god sorry that was unprofessional wasn't it? I apologise. Yeahhhh I'll just be off now." Once I had finished my rambling, I gestured behind me to where the counter stood built.

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