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To say things have been bad between Erika and I, would be an understatement. I however, couldn't find an ounce of me that seemed to care. The way she acted with Louis was completely uncalled for, even if it was a bit of an uncomfortable situation to find myself in with a complete stranger.

He seemed like a lovely guy, and so I could definitely see myself wanting to build a friendship around that. If only he would call or message me.

I've messaged Niall a countless amount of times over the last three days to make sure that he had in fact passed on the note, and the Irish boy had assured me that he had.

So really, there was no possible explanation that my mind could conjure to explain why he wouldn't contact me, or as to why I felt so empty that he hadn't.

Perhaps I had come across a little forward in my message, not that I thought he'd mind, seeing as he was quite clearly gay. I regret giving him the wrong impression however, because I'm in fact straight and would want nothing less than to lead him on.

"Why did you have to give him that note?" Erika continued the same incessant rambling that had been leaving her mouth constantly.

"I told you. He seemed nice. What more do you want?" I said, rolling my eyes and averting my attention back to my laptop where I was busy watching random cat videos.

She sighed, "He was checking you out."

I lied, "He's not gay. Jesus Erika, have you always been this jealous?" I finally met her eyes.

"How would you know that he's not gay?" She questioned, gaze interrogating.

"I can just tell."

"Because you're gay?"

I scoffed at that, wanting nothing more than to just walk out of the room, "Yes, Erika. I am gay. Which is why I am in a relationship with a woman." Sarcasm dripping from my words.

"That's only because you could never find another person that would put up with you the way I do." She spoke out. I'm sure that her words meant no harm, yet it stung an unimaginable amount of pain to hear.

"Put up with me?" I retaliated, "You've been nothing but paranoid recently. I mean come on... implying that I would cheat on you with a man is a bit far, even for you. Don't you think?"

She shook her head, "No it's not. Men like you don't care where their dick is, so long as it's somewhere."

That was the breaking point for me. Anger toppled out of me like a glass that had been left under the heavy stream of water for a second too long. I got up from the double bed, throwing my laptop to the side as I did so. Not bothering to close it. I knew that Erika would look through it, because that's the sort of person she seemed to be, so I had made sure to add some nice surprises to my history just to give her a temporary heart failure when she inevitably stumbled across them.

"Harry. Where do you think you're going?" She studied the way I angrily grabbed my coat from the chair, stuffing my phone into my pockets in the process.

"Out." I grumbled, not meeting her eye, for I was really not in the mood to even look at her.

"Harry, if you walk out of that door, don't expect for me to be here when you return." She threatened.

I laughed, yet it was filled with no emotion, "Wouldn't that be an absolute shame?" I rolled my eyes, scurrying around to fill a bag that I had seen lying around, with clothes for the night.

"So this is it? All of this for nothing?" She began, "Over that-that boy."

"This has nothing to do with him!" I shouted, the sound visibly startling her.

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