Chapter 7

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"Hey, Lauren! Wait up!" I could hear Henry shout.

I tried my best to ignore him. I had a father-daughter date to get to with my dad this afternoon. He was very adamant about us having one today because we haven't seen much of each other since I started school.

"Lauren!" he shouted. This time he was closer.

I sighed and turned around with a small smile to assure that I had heard him the second time.

"Hi Henry," I said as he joined me.

He smiled brightly at me. "How are you? How are you liking River High School?"

"I'm fine, thank you, and it's okay, I guess."

"Good. Good," he repeated and then took a deep breath, "Look. Ummmmm...the homecoming dance is in a couple of weeks. I think you're super pretty, and I know we haven't known each other long, but I was wondering if you would be my date to it?"

"What?" I asked.

He had to be kidding. He couldn't be serious.

He chuckled. "Lauren, will you go to homecoming with me?"

"Wow," I commented.

He gave me a half smile and nodded in agreement.

"," I said again and he laughed, "Henry, you're honestly a really nice guy, but I don't think my parents would let me go."

"Oh," he stated, "Well why don't you find out and let me know?"

"Henry, it's just not really my thing to go to dances and I'm really not fun company. I'm sure there are so many other girls hoping you ask them. It's our senior year."

I was really bad at this stuff and I hated myself for it.

"Lauren, I don't think you get it. I like you," he made clear.

I felt the sudden burning sensation. I pulled my hair tie a few times before finding any sort of words to use in response.

"You shouldn't," I replied and he stared at me in surprise, "I'll see you tomorrow, Henry."

I made my quick escape and thanked God when I saw my dad's SUV parked in the lot. I basically ran to the car and climbed in. I tossed my things onto the floor and began counting down backward in French.

"Ren, everything okay?" asked my dad as he placed a hand on my back and I nodded as I continued my countdown, "Do you need me to call Dr. Felland?"

I shook my head no and took a deep breath. I dug through my backpack for my phone and opened up my messages.

I pressed on the message from the unknown number and began to type, "Do you have the time to meet up at the Marketplace Mall? There's a used bookstore. Be there around 4:00."

My phone buzzed quickly with a response, "Be there at 4:15."

"Do you want us to go home, Ren?" questioned my dad.

"I'm fine, dad. It's just been a long day," I assured and he pulled me over to place a soft kiss on the side of my head.

"Books and lunch?" he insisted.

"Yeah, dad," I agreed with a weak smile.

We started our drive in silence, but of course, my dad had to break it. He hated quiet. It's part of the reason why he stayed working in construction so long. He loved the noises he heard throughout the day.

"So mom mentioned that you and Dr. Felland struck a deal about your appointments if you made a friend or two here. How's that going?"

"It's going. I met a pair of twins and they seem friendly enough," I answered and he looked over at me curiously.

The Quiet TypesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon