Japan's grudge

901 20 6

China P.O.V

I woke at 6:00, walking down to my sibling's rooms. One door after another I opened them to see if they returned home and I find their bed's empty. I walked out to my garden with the sun shining on me. I remember watching my siblings play in the sun when they were small and cute.

I turned back to my house, getting dressed before heading down to the shops. It was busy like every other day, nothing has changed but the people did. The people use to have smiles on their faces and they were always happy but ever since yesterday they changed into rude and curl people.

"Good morning John! How are you?" I greeted him with a smile but i earned a frown

"What do you want?!" he snapped  

"Can I please have a leg of lamb aru?" I asked he didn't reply, he reached for the smallest leg of lamb, wrapping it in paper before chucking it at me, I caught it with a smile, handing him the money before leaving.

On the way home I got a lot of dirty looks from people, I didn't mind after all I have been living for 400 years now, I have grown used to it. I placed the leg of lamb in the freezer as I hoped that my siblings will come home.

5:00 the front door opened, they came home. I greeted them with a smile.

"How was the party aru?" I asked they froze

"P-Party?" South Korea repeated 

"Yes, the party did you not go aru?" I asked

"How do you know about the party?" Taiwan asked

"I saw," I simply replied 

"So how did it go? Was it fun aru?" I asked 

"It was alright I guess..." Hong Kong grumbled

"I'm guessing your all tired by now, go up and have a rest aru, I will get dinner ready," I flashed a smile at them before I turned to leave

"No thank you Onii-san, we will be eating out," Japan stopped me in my tracks, I didn't look at him or the others

"Japan are you sure? We haven't eaten with big brother for a long time now," Hong Kong  whispered 

"The last time we spent time with him was two years ago," South Korea mumbled while Tawain nodded

"So, all of you are going out aru?" I asked as I finally turned around

"Yes, all of us," Japan replied as my eyes fell onto the floor

"What time will you be back aru?" I asked as I lifted my eyes up to look at my siblings

"Late, very late so don't wait for us," Japan growled as he and the others took their leave, leaving me all alone.

That's fine maybe next time?

Japan P.O.V

"So, how long do you want to hurt him?" Taiwan asked

"As long as it takes," I replied

"You want to break our older brother?" Hong Kong looked over at me

"Please don't tell me, your still not over world war two!" South Korea  cried

"I won't fall back that easily,"  I replied

"That was a long time ago!" Taiwan cried

"Japan, you have to let go of the past," Hong Kong shook his head

"My people need that land! I need more land for my people!"  I snapped

"Why are you only thinking about yourself?!" Taiwan  asked

"I'm not thinking about myself! I'm thinking about my people!" I spat as we stopped walking

"Now you're getting mad!" Hong Kong  snapped

"I'm not the only whos mad!" I glared at them

"Taiwan you're mad as well!  You're mad because he didn't come and save you in world war two!" 

"Hong Kong you're also mad! Your mad because he didn't come and get you when England took you way  took you away!"

"Korea, you are upset because he took you away from your twin brother!" 

"He did that to protect me!" Korea spat

"And so? Even if we're still upset with him, he has done a lot for us," Taiwan pointed out

"I don't care about what he has done!" I yelled

"You feel guilty, don't you? That's the real reason why isn't?" Hong Kong asked as he crossed his arms

"No, I don't feel guilty! If i did then i wouldn't have a feeling of wanting to kill some more of his people!"

"You killed millions of his people and somehow he still forgives you," Taiwan  sighed

"For God Sake!! How about you go to him?" Korea asked

"No, I don't want his land, his land is too cold for my people!" I explained

"I need Onii-Sans land and to do that i need to ruin his reputation."

"You have done enough!" Taiwan yelled

"You have told everyone in the town bad stuff about big brother yesterday on the way to the party!" Korea frowned

"Everyone believed you!"

"You also told everyone lies about him yesterday at the party as well!!"

"Well, then why dont you go back to him?" I growled

They didn't answer

"See your all still mad at him."

Onii-san...is no one to me

Inky P.O.V


I'm so sorry!! But this is a rochu fanfic...

Russia: When am I going to come in?

Later on so dont worry!! (Grabs a chair, stands on it and pats Russia on the head)

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