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Russia P.O.V

My eyes widen in shock.

"C-China!!" I could feel tears falling as India helped him up

I ran towards him, wrapping my arms around him as I cried into his shoulder. He brought a hand up and began to stroke my hair.

"D-Don't leave me again!!"

"Russia..." India called out to me

"Im so happy!!" I cried

"You here!! I through you died!!"

"Eveyone said you shot yourself!"

Suddanly he stopped stroking me instead he pulled me off of him

"China?" I called out to him

"I'm sorry aru...but....I'm not China.." he lowered his head

"W-What?" I shook my head not believing him

"This isn't funny guys! Don't mess with me!" I forced a smile hoping i t was a joke but no one laughed

"Im sorry Russia but China...isn't here," India placed a hand on my shoulder as I backed away from...'China'

"W-Who are you then?" I asked not wanting to know

"My name is Yao Wong..." he replied, his eyes left mine

"N-No...Bullshit!!" I shook India's hand off of my shoulder

"I'm not believing this bullshit!" I shouted

"Is this some sick joke?!"

"Russia please-" India reached out for me but I slapped his hand away

"I'm not believing this shit!!" I shouted

"This fucking joke is not helping me!" I yelled

"Russia calm down," India took a step forward

"Calm down?! How am I going to calm down!" i growled

"Your over reacting aru," I gleared at Yao while his eyes dulled

"Oh so I'm not allowed to react when you guys are playing a fuckig joke like this to me?!"

"Russia," worry grew in India's eyes while they flicked from Yao to me

"What?! What do you want?!" I yelled as Yao slowly walked towards me with his head down

"What type of friend are you meant to be?! A sick friend!?" i yelled at India as I got in front of him but he kept on looking at Yao

"First you lie to me about your friend and now you play this joke?!" he wasn't lisening

"Oi!! I-"


Pikachu and Dragon P.O.V

India stood still in shock and worry while Russia stumbled back holding his cheek, Yao stood in front of India with cold and dull eyes.

Russia fell onto the floor, looking up at Yao who towered over him.

"I raised you to be a kind and loving boy Ivan aru!" he snapped

"I taught you if people treats you like dirt you fight back arh but i never taught you to fight your friends aru!"

"Ivan many times must I tell you? You're growing up and you have to learn that this world is curl and I'm not always there for you aru..." Yao slowly helped Russia up from the ground brushing him off

"You need to know aru that I can't be with you every single time," Yao had a small smile on his face but his eyes were cold and dull

Yao looked up at Russia, standing on his tip toes but he sti wasnt tall enough so, he walked over to a tree stump, standing on it before patting Russia on the head

"You've grown so much aru! And yet you still need me to look after you," removing his hand Yao gave him a smile before his eyes filled up with colour while his smile dropped

"R-Russia aru!? Are you alright? You have a red mark on your face!" Yao brought his hand up to Russia's face

"Yao...who is Ivan?" India asked


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