Pull the trigger

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2p China P.O.V

I sat down on the couch as Russia made his way over to me, I opened the photo book as memories came flooding back.

Russia came and sat next to me as I closed the book.

"Why did you close it?" he asked

"Even if I am China aru, I would wait until he comes back after all this is his world," I smiled at him as he frowned 

"Why?" he asked

"It's his stuff and you need to ask him not me" I answered

"Why? What's wrong with asking you?" He asked

"I'm not him, I may look like him, talk like him, share the same memories as him, fight like him, share the same personality but remember I'm not him, we may be the same but we're not the same person," I explained  as I placed the book on the table, standing up, I made my way over to dining room, I stood in front of a sword that was placed in a glass case on the wall.

That sword killed many people...

So why keep it China?

I opened the case, reaching in gently wrapping my hand around the handle, taking it down from the case.

China did a good job of cleaning it and keeping it safe.

I walked passed Russia who stared at the photo book, I rolled my eyes.

"Russia aru, if China finds out you've been through his stuff, he won't be happy~" I warned before leaving the house.

People began to whisper and to look at my way, making it even more obvious that they are talking about me, I ran my hand through my hair, taking the ribbon out, wrapping it around the handle of the sword.

"You know aru, its bad to talk to about someone while their here~" I grinned as I spun around to see them gasp.

"What's wrong aru? Don't like what you see?" I asked as I made my way towards them, it was a group of young people, I don't care if they have a long life ahead of them, their life ends now, right here on the spot. I ran towards them, I raised my sword up before slamming it down into the young man's neck, I swung towards the young woman who stood in shock, ripping my sword free, the man fell finally screams broke out.

Isn't beautiful? 

I whimper came to my ear, a little boy curled up next to his dead mother, his eyes filled with water while he was covered in his mother's blood...

His scared...

I dropped my sword making him flinch in fear, I slowly made my way towards him, reaching out to him with a warm smile.

I placed my hand on his back, rubbing it, he began to cry into my chest once he had relaxed to my touch.

1p Russia P.O.V

I swiped out my phone as I ran.


"Oi fatass tell Germany and the others to get their asses over here!!"

"Where are you?"

"I'm by China's house and China has just killed a lot of people!"

"We coming!"

I ended the call as I ran towards the town where the footprints walked. I arrived standing there in shock and horror as bodies came to view.

"Russia!" I turned around to see Japan and the others running towards me

"Are you ok? You got a bloody shoe print on you," America pointed it out

"Da, I'm fine I just got kick by China when I followed," I replied as England pulled out his gun

"Where is that bloody git?!" England asked as he looked around but only to find bodies of the innocents

A cry of a child came to my ears, we turned around to see China on the ground, hugging a child who cried for his mother who lay next to them.

England sprinted towards him, towering over China with his gun held agents his head.

"Oi! England!" America and the rest of us ran after him

I pulled out my gun from within my coat, I held it up to England's head.

"Don't touch him," I growled

'You don't touch him!" France held up his gun and pointed it up at my head. China didn't even look up at us, he was too busy helping the child then noise there was a gun held to his head.

"You don't touch anyone perv!" America held up his gun at France

"America-san!!" Japan grabbed a hold of America arm

"England-san!! France-san!! Russia-san!!"

"Please don't fire!" Japan begged as tears began to spill. Since everyone was looking at Japan, Germany quickly grabbed China by the arm, pulling him out from England's gun.


England fired...

The child lay dead on the floor...

China yanked his arm out of Germany's grip, running to the boy. He checked for his pauls but he found nothing.

Itay began to cry while Germany pulled him close to his chest. Everyone placed their guns away but England he lowered his arm.

China stood up, looking at England with hurt and anger.

"Why did you do that aru!!" He snapped as he pushed England back

China's back...

"Why did you to kill a child aru!!" he asked

"I can't believe that China is even friends with you!!"

And China's gone again

"I should of killed you aru when I had a chance!!" China picked his sword

"I can't believe you! Killing an innocent child!!" He held up his sword to England's chest making France take out his gun pointing it at China

"How am I in the wrong?! You took many lives!!" England snapped

"They weren't children!!"

"But tell me aru, which country didn't kill?"

"You bloody git!!" England growled

"Kill me then!!" China grabbed England by his wrist and pressed Englands gun agents his own head with wide eyes and a grin

"Do it aru!" China began to laugh

"Go on aru!! Pull the trigger aru!? And this will all end!!"

"Pull the trigger aru!! Pull it and you wont need to deal with my shit again aru!!"

"Pull the damn trigger!!"

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