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2p Russia

My eyes slowly slid open to only find myself looking up at a plain white wall, blinking the sleep away, I rolled out of the chair only to fall flat on my face.

Once I hit the ground, I could hear someone running towards me, panic in their voice but I can't make out their words. Their face was a burr, but the fear and worry were clear in their golden eyes.

"What...whats going on?" I whispered as that hosted me up, throwing my arm over their slim shoulder.

"You really need to stop drinking aru! Are as bad" They struggled with their words, something wet and warm fell onto my cheek only to slid off.

Looking up with unfocused eyes, I squint to try and clear my vision but all I could see was a lady helping me up the stairs as she cried in silence.

Once we reached the stairs, she opened the door and sat me down on the bed.

"Now, stay here aru, I'll be back, " I watched her dry her wet eyes, my hand reached out for her but only to fall limp.

I'm too tired for this.

What did I drink?

Yao's P.O.V

I entered the room with a bucket full of warm water and a towel thrown over my shoulders. I walk in to find Russia slumped over with his head in his hands.

Placing the bucket down, I reached out for him, placing a hand on top of his head, only to be pulled closer by him, his arms wrapped around my waist.

"Russia aru!" I yelped in surprise as he pulled me on to his lap, nuzzling his face into the crock of my neck.

"I'm sorry China...I haven't done anything for you and here you are looking after me when I should be the one looking after you, I'm such a mess, I can't do anything but fight and scare everyone off! Why? Why did you stay with me? Why did you believe in me?"

"God, I miss you so much! Why did you leave? Why did you go? Was I not good enough for you? Was I not strong enough to protect you? Why did you fall in love with me?" My eyes widen in shock that only was taken over by anger.

"I don't deserve you, I don't deserve anyone and yet you're here giving me a chance. How many times have I hurt you only for you to stay with me...After everything, through both bad and good, you've been here with me...What have I done to get you? I give up...I give up on trying to find out why I-"


My eyes widen with tears of anger and sadness as i ripped myself out of the bigger male's grip, I roughly pushed him down onto the bed below him as tears fell from my eyes.

"You have done your best and its time to rest, aru,"

"Don't you ever talk like that ever again Ivan! How many times have i told you, aru?"

"No matter how hard you're journey gets, you keep on going but if it gets too hard, you first rest and then you carry on, aru!"

"Now rest, aru,"

And with that I whipped out a small thin needle from within my sleeve in a blink of an eye it was in the side of his neck, tears fell from my eyes as i watch his eyed roll back into his head.

"Good night,"

I'm Not Myself (Rochu)Where stories live. Discover now