
889 18 16

China P.O.V

"W-Wha?!" I looked up at Germany and the others who stood by him.

"You can't talk shit about us behind our backs China!" America crossed his arms

"You bloody git!!" England shot a glare at me

"What did I say?" I asked

"Japan said that you didn't like any of us!! You little snake!!" America lashed out

"Japan said that!!?" Shock took over me, Japan said all of that? My dearest little brother?

"He told us so many things that you kept away from us!" Itay began to cry into Germany's chest as Germany wrapped his arms around his lover's small frame, comforting him as well as protecting him just like how I use to hold Japan and the others.

"I-I didn't say any of that aru!!" My hands slowly curled up around a small object that I found on the way here, the way it glittered under the sub had caught my eye, it was small and light but sharp, it fits perfectly in my small slender hand.


Stay calm


Yell at them


Don't cry


Let it all out


Don't fight them


Fight them


Don't hurt them


Hurt them


Scream at them

Kick them

Yell at them

Hurt them

Kill them

My eyes shot opened rage burned within me as the object leapt forward into America's stomach while my leg met Englands side. I ripped the object out of America's stomach before swinging it into France's shoulder, letting go of the object, Germany came running towards me once he was near I threw him over my shoulder, leaving Italy whimpering as he held up his white flag. A gasp no more than one gasp reached my ears, I turned to my left.

There they were...

My siblings standing there in horror...

"B-Big brother!!" Korea held his hands in front of his mouth as tears welled up within his sweet and innocent eyes

At least I didn't kill them...

" him..." Hong Kong muttered as his eyes fell on to Japan who shook in fear.

I looked around myself, blood painted the walls and the floors, I was covered in blood. I looked down at the Europeans with empty eyes. I watch Italy attending France and America's wounds while England held his side, Germany held his back.

Walking towards France, fear grew inside of him as he began to backway, holding his shoulder in pain. In the corner of my eye, Germany came running towards me, he lifted his fist up, he was about to land a punch on me, I reached into my pocket, pulling a gun out, pointing it at Germany. I pressed the gun agents Germany's chest (Since China can't reach his head, he too short) Everyone froze.

"C-China!!" I slowly turned my head, looking up at my siblings, Korea and Taiwan began to cry as my eyes meet theirs, Hong Kong held his tears while Japan stood with widening eyes.

"Y-You wouldn't!" Japan spoke, he stutters as if his throat has become dry

"I wouldn't what? Aru?" I asked as I tilted my head to the side, my voice had changed, it was now cold and emotionless just like my eyes, just like my heart.

"Y-You won't fire!" Japan replied as he stepped forwards, I giggled as I pressed the gun deeper into Japan's friend's chest who gulped in worry

"Watch me aru," I looked over at Germany, his eyes were filled with fear and sadness as they kept on darting over to his lover who was crying for his safety, I had pity for Germany after all his Italy can't live without him, I ripped my gun away from his chest, kicking him instead, sending him back to the floor. I placed my gun back into my pocket, turning back to my task.

I walked over to France, I towered over him, I wrapped my hand around the object, I gave him a smile, he shivered.

"This will hurt aru," I warned before pulling the object out by force, he screamed in pain as he held his shoulder soon he passed out because of the pain. I looked down at the object that turned out to be a pocket knife that was covered in blood.

"You're just like him..." I looked over at England who spoke

"You are a monster just like him!" I flashed a smile at him as I made my way towards him, I grabbed his shirt, forcing him up to his feet, I stood on his left foot as I watch him sweat in fear.

"This will hurt a lot aru," I warned with a smile, I pushed him back, he fell but I was standing on his left foot...


I snapped his foot, the sound of it echoing throughout the room was like music in my ears, I couldn't help but smile, he screamed in pain as Germany held his gun to my head, I giggled.

"You're not China,"

"Who are you?"

"What have you done to him?"

I'm Not Myself (Rochu)Where stories live. Discover now