A bit of blood

323 4 0

India P.O.V

I sat there in shock as he wrapped his hand around my mouth while he pressed a finger agents his lips. I took a good look at him, black hair tied in a ponytail, clear and smooth skin but the right side of his face is covered by his hair.

"Shh aru, not so loud," he slowly removed his hand

"CHINA!!! B-But you died!!" I shook his shoulders while tears began to form


"Hold on...did you get resurrected?" I asked as I let go of him


"Whoa!! What does the afterlife look like?!" I asked 

"Have you seen heaven?"

"Have you seen hell?"

"What's it like to be dead?"

 China brought his hand up to my face (Face family), gently cupping my cheek to calm me down, his hand was warm and soft so he's not dead, which is good so that means he got resurrected.

"Clam down aru," 

"Whoa...your hand is warm..."

"What did you think aru?"

"I thought you got resurrected..." I replied 

"Resurrected? Why would I get resurrected aru?" He asked as he removed his hand

"Didn't you die?" I asked 

"Die? I'm sorry aru but you've got the wrong person,"  he spoke as my smile disappeared

"S-So you're n-not China?" a tear slipped down my cheek, he brought his hand up and whipped it away 

"China? I'm sorry aru but that's not a country anymore," I shook my head not wanting to believe that China was no longer with us.

"B-But you look just like him!" I began to cry as I pulled him into a hug

"I-India aru!" he cried as I cried onto his shoulder, a sigh escaped his lips as he placed a hand on my head, stroking my hair to calm me down 

"Why are you crying so much aru?" 

"C-China's dead!! And I miss him!" I cried 

"I want to see him again," 

"India aru..please look at me," I looked up at him and saw a warm smile, a hand whipped my tears away 

"Even if he isn't by your side anymore he is all ways in your heart and memory aru," he smiled at me 

"If, your not China then...who are you?" I asked as I slowly pulled out of the hug

"My name is-"

"India!! I'm back~" I looked over to China's look alike to see him pulling his hood up coving his eyes as I stood up he began to clean up the floor, I walked away to greet Russia

"How did it go Russia?" I asked as he walked into the kitchen holding sunflowers, I followed him, Russia was looking for a vase while...I didn't get his name so I'll call him China for now...China was washing up until he walked over to Russia, placing a vase next to him that was filled with water before turning back to his work. Russia turned around to find the vase sitting next to him.

"It went alright," he replied as he placed the sunflowers into the vase 

"England looked really upset, France looked paler, America looked tired and Chi-" he cut himself off as he placed the vase in the living room

"umm....India," He started 

"Yes?" I walked over to him

"Is it me but why is there blood on the vase?" he asked my eyes widen once I realized that China didn't clean his wound and his doing the washing up... 

Thats going to sting...

"India?" Russia called out to me 

Russia P.O.V

I looked at India as he was deep in thoughts.

"I'll be right back, stay here," and with that, he walked off into the kitchen, I followed him but I didn't go into the kitchen but I could hear them and see them

Once India reached the lady...oh so it is the lady!! The lady was washing up and when India walked over to her, he jumped back before running towards her, grabbing her left wrist, pulling her hand out of the water, allowing the water to drip onto the floor.

"What's wrong India aru?" she asked 

"The water is red!! You haven't wrapped your wound up!" 


"You might get an infection!" 

"I've been through worst aru, I'll be fine," she replied as she flashed a small smile at him  

"What! Does it not hurt?!" He asked as she shook her head 

"Don't worry, its a bit of blood," she looked down at her hand before looking back up at India

I'm Not Myself (Rochu)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora