XLIII • Overestimation

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"Wow, I didn't think he could look any worse than he did that night." Daphne raised her eyebrows at Rick's lumpy face.

"He'd be easier to treat if you weren't taking half of our meds," a stout blonde muttered from the corner.

"Denise, Denise, you can't fuckin' guilt trip me, when are you gonna learn that?" Negan put a hand to his chest and grinned. She huffed and continued adjusting her inventory sheet. "Find anything, strawberry?"

"A few stashed guns, a very impressive homemade jail cell, and lots of booze." Daphne counted off on her fingers. "The armory is stocked to the tits, complete with a rocket launcher. Arat's overseeing the loadup of that. But no missing people."

"How fuckin' boring, Rick." He kicked the unconscious man's bed, and Denise shot him a glare over her thin rimmed glasses. "Though I'm fuckin' excited to play with a rocket launcher. Way fuckin' cooler than a crossbow."

"Keep dreaming," Daphne shot back, feigning offense.

"Oh I fuckin' dream about it," Negan purred as he stood. "I dream about how fuckin' sexy it would be if you could hit a target."

She punched him in the arm as a short dark-haired Savior strode in.

"I have a lead on Carol," she said in an even tone. Daphne whirled around to meet steel eyes and sharp features.

"Letty!" Negan opened his arms in greeting. "Didn't even fuckin' know you were here. Like a fuckin' ghost."

The blonde lieutenant extended her hand and the shorter woman took it. "You're Letty?" she asked. "Daphne. Big fan."

The scout's mouth curled up in the smallest of smiles, but then her expression fell back to business. "One of my crew members witnessed an altercation between a middle-aged woman and a group of armed men. A man with a stick and supremely effective martial arts skills rescued her and called her 'Carol'. They were then picked up by men on horseback."

Negan sighed. "King fucking Tiger."

"Looks that way, Sir." Letty nodded. "We're keeping an eye on the Kingdom but we can't get too close without risking harming our agreement."

"No, you just keep fuckin' doin' what you're doin'." He strode over and clapped her on the shoulder. "We'll talk more later, away from prying fuckin' ears." He motioned over his shoulder with his thumb at Denise, who dropped her pencil in surprise at being addressed.

The trio headed out of the makeshift hospital to find Spencer standing there with the Lara Croft chick.

"You're a gutless fucking pussy!" she hissed right into his face, and then turned to shoot a glare right at Negan. "Go on then." She spat and turned on her heel, stalking off.

"Whoo-eee, that looked like it fuckin' hurt," the leather clad man said as he descended the porch steps. 

Spencer carefully composed his hurt expression into one of indifference and turned to the trio. "She's still salty about Abraham." He waved it off like it was nothing, and then raised his gaze to meet amused amber eyes. "I guess she wasn't over him when she started sleeping with me."

"Ah, that's why Rambo Barbie is in an extra fuckin' piss." Negan nodded.

"Anyway," Spencer said, and wiped his palms on his pants.

"Anyway!" The leader of the Saviors looked down at him with a raised eyebrow. "Get outta my fuckin' way. You don't want Lucille to have to move you."

The pup scampered to the side of the road, and the trio headed to the armory where Arat and a group of Saviors were just finishing loading up the last of the weapons.

No Sanctuary For Old Men [18+] |Negan| ✔️ CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now