XLVI • Waltz of the Tigress

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Daphne was blown away the minute she stepped foot into the Kingdom. It had the same feel of community as home, but where the Sanctuary was clinical and dark, the Kingdom was cozy and warm. It was an oasis.

People milled about, some carrying goods or baskets, with smiles on their faces. Even the ones that shot her curious glances seemed good-natured about it, and she sent back smiles in return. Ezekiel walked tall, proud to show off the pride and joy in his kingdom as he led her through the main square.

"It's beautiful," she said, taking in the myriad of trees and flowers blooming all around her.

"Many thanks, dear lady." He took her hand and bowed low, straightening up with a bright smile on his face. "Might you indulge me in a question?" he asked as they strolled through the lush gardens, and she chuckled.

"You have but to ask, my lord," she replied.

He raised an eyebrow. "Be you one of Lord Negan's wives?"

She trilled out a laugh and patted his arm. "I see you are familiar with Lord Negan's way. Nay, I am not wed to him."

"When we first solidified our grand alliance, I was blessed to recieve an invitation to tour the great Sanctuary," he explained. "I met with a myriad of people, high and low in his vast ranks, including his beautiful wives. They did not seem so deadly as you."

"Deadly, am I?" Daphne laughed again, putting a hand to her ample bosom. "You are vastly perceptive, my lord. But I understand your question, given my state of dress."

Ezekiel put up a hand in peace. "No offense meant, dear."

"None taken, my lord." She gave him a genuine smile. "Though if you have feelings of remorse, I should be very willing to forgive if you allowed me the pleasure of meeting your Shiva."

He bellowed a laugh at her interest in his infamous pet. "Tonight you shall meet my precious companion," he promised. "We have a mighty feast planned this eve, to celebrate the birthday of my oldest son coming into manhood. I will show you to your quarters, so you may settle in and prepare for the night's festivities!" He offered her his arm again, and she took it with a half curtsy, following him up a spiral staircase into a stone building.


Once alone, Daphne dropped her bag on the plush bed in the center of her room, taking a peek through the bay window on the far side. She had no idea what this building had been pre-apocalypse, but Ezekiel had turned it into a palace. She could see the gardens from where she stood, and over the walls to the forest surrounding the Kingdom.

She was very happy she'd been tasked with this mission. If Negan wanted a vacation house anywhere, this was a hundred times better than Alexandria.

Not to mention the King was quite endearing. His gentlemanly ways, his love for old times, it was easy to understand why these people rallied behind him. He was an honorable man. And a very interesting one. She wondered if he ever took off his mask.

"Letty, come back, over," Daphne said quietly into her radio after inspecting the hallway outside for any listeners.

"Ryan saw you head in, good job, over." The scout's professional voice came through the speaker.

"Thanks, how is it going out there?" the blonde asked. "You meet up with the Kingdom scouts okay? Over."

"Yes, they're very welcoming," Letty replied. "I've been outfitted with a horse and there are small caches in the trees scattered about the forest with emergency supplies. They are very organized. Over."

Daphne chuckled, picturing the lethal woman on a horse. "Glad to hear it. Did you happen to spot the short dark-skinned man with Ezekiel's crew? Can you confirm that is the man that was seen with Carol? Over."

No Sanctuary For Old Men [18+] |Negan| ✔️ CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now