Chapter 1: New Kid, Again

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Great, another new school. Hi, I'm Zach Herron and I'm a mute. Yeah, you must be thinking, oh no this kid is weird but no, there is a reason why I'm mute. But that's a story for another time. Let me break it down, my family constantly moves, almost every year. But this year we are finally settling down in one spot. Not much of a difference because I've been to 10 different schools since I was 6. I've never really had friends because everyone made fun of me because I didn't talk. They called me unpleasant names I'd rather not say "aloud". "Honey! Come down for breakfast!" My mom shouts. I open the door and head downstairs, kissing Ryan and Reese on the cheek before I sat down. "How'd you sleep?" My mom asks. I shrug as I eat my eggs and toast. "Are you excited for your new school? You might make some friends since we are staying here longer." She grins. I shake my head in disagreement. Everyone is the same, you stand out, they make fun of you for it. It's just how the world is. I finished my food and put my plate in the sink. "Don't forget your schedule, someone is showing you around today." She shouts as I walk off. I giver her a thumbs up and head into my room, looking for a nice outfit to wear. I finally just decide to wear sweatpants with a sweatshirt because I'm too lazy to actually look nice. (Lol me irl). I comb my hair and brush my teeth, grabbing the backpack of my beanbag and walk downstairs. I kiss my mom's cheek and wave goodbye while walking out the door. Thank goodness that the school was close so I could walk and not have to get lectured by my mom while she drives me. I look at the surroundings of my neighbor hood, the houses super nice, tall trees, almost perfect. Everything seemed still, calm, relaxing. I finally reached the school and was pretty early so I plopped down under a tree, pulling out my sketchbook. My mom said I had a wonderful talent in drawing and I'd always just shake my head, disagreeing with her. I sketched out the wonderfully big school and added small details to everything. Perfectionist much? Yes. And I am proud. Haha, I should "talk" with you more often. I smile at my inner thoughts when I a tall brunette comes up to me. I glance up from my sketch and close my book so he doesn't see. "Hey, I noticed you were here by yourself and I wanted to introduce myself! I'm Daniel." He says confidently, holding out his hand. I cautiously shake his hand and write down that my name is Zach on a piece of paper. "I'm guessing you don't talk much? That's fine! I'll gladly help you get through your school day." He beams. I smile at him and hand him my schedule. "Cool! We have first hour, second-hour, third hour and, lunch together!" He smiles. He hands me back my paper and notices my sketchbook. "What's that?" He asks. I show him the cover and a smile spreads across his face. "You draw? That's awesome! Can I see a drawing?" He asks. I nod and open my book, flipping to the sketch of the school I made. "Wow, you're really good." he says in awe as he hands me back my sketchbook. I put it in my backpack and the moment I do, the bell rings. "C'mon dork, I'm guessing you have to go to the office to get someone to show you around?" He smiles and I nod as he leads me too the office. "Here you go! See ya in first hour!" He shouts as he walks off. "Hi! You're Zach correct?" The lady sitting at the desk asks. I nod as she types something into you're computer. "And your mom filed you as a mute, is this true?" She asks again. I nod and fiddle with my thumbs. "Alright let me go get Jonah for you. I nod and go sit in one of the lounge chairs as she uses the overhead speaker to call him to the front office. About a minute later, a tall, brunette boy walks in smiling towards me once he sees me. "This is Jonah. He'll be showing you around today." The lady says. I just nod and get up from my chair. "Hi, your the mute, right?" He asks. I nod and his eyes go wide. "Oh my gosh, I didn't mean to sound rude." He apologizes. I smile at his kind words and write down on a piece of paper that's it was ok. He smiles and tells me to follow him. "Can I see your schedule?" He asks. I nod and hand him the piece of paper. "Well, we have first hour together with my friend Daniel and Corbyn." I nod as he leads me to the class. We walk inside and I sit next to him, where Daniel is also sitting. He waves at me and I smile, waving back. All of the students like into the classroom, sitting next to each other and talking. "I'll answer questions for you if you'd like." Jonah says. I nod and he smiles. The school bell rings and the students rush to their seats.
"Welcome class."

A/N: NEW BOOK YAS! Also the Harry Potter songs are bomb bro so yea. I POSTED EARLY BISHESSSS!! Lol bye!

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