Chapter 13: I'm Sorry

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Of course he had to sit with us. Just my luck. I just walked into the lunch room and right when I saw him I walked out. Daniel looked confused and then saw him too and followed after me. "Zach! Wait!" I heard Jack shout. I clench my fists and keep walking. He grabs ahold of my arm and spins me around. "Look, I know you hate me right now. And trust me, I would hate me too. What I said, what I said was wrong. And I just wasn't thinking straight. When she's around, I feel like a different person." He says. "You ARE a different person when she's around." Daniel scoffs. Jack rolls his eyes and looks back at me. "You don't have to forgive me now, or ever even. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry." He sighs. He turns back around but I grab his arm. He raises an eyebrow and I hug him. Daniel watches us and rolls his eyes. "I'm so sorry, Zach." He whispers. I shake my head, on the verge of tears. I blink them back and tighten the hug. He follows my actions and we just stand there, embracing one another. I didn't want to let go. What he did, well it hurt. And I forgave him the moment after I hit him. I felt bad, even though I shouldn't. I heard Daniels quiet footsteps walk away as we still were in the position. "I'm so so sorry Zach." He says again. I lift my head and look into his eyes, those big brown eyes, and realize he's about to cry. I bring him into a hug and we both slump down to the floor, both of us silently letting tears fall. We didn't let go of each other. I missed his comforting embrace and he missed mine. And though we just met, it feels like I've known him forever. And yes I realize that sounds cheesy but it's true. After about ten minutes we both look at each other, tear stained cheeks and red puffy eyes. He starts laughing, and for the first time in awhile, I smile. "Sorry to kill the mood, but I bet we look super dumb." He says smiling. I nod and my smile grows wider. He wipes the fresh tears from my eyes with his thumb and I do the same, not caring if anyone was watching. We get up off the floor and head into the lunch room, sitting down with wide smiles on our faces. Jonah raises an eyebrow in confusion while Corbyn sits there, a smile on his face. "So I'm guessing you guys made up?" Jonah questions. "Yeah, yeah." Jack responds, rubbing the back of his neck. I I smile at them and then at him. I missed all of us being together. Daniel probably isn't happy that I forgave him so easily, but I hope he gets over it.

After lunch I was actually happy to go to art. Jack and I walked together, now inseparable. He told me what he he wanted to do and how his girlfriend had somehow convinced hi to ask me that before we played. Do I believe it? Yes. That girl would probably do anything to split us apart. I guess she's jealous, which I don't understand. I'm gay he's straight. I don't like him, I think.

We stepped into the art room and of course she had to be here. My smile quickly went to a frown when I saw her. She gave me a dirty look and walked up to Jack. "Hey baby." She says. He removes her arms off his neck gently and goes to sit down. I follow after him and she follows both of us. "Are you mad at me?" She questions. "Yes." He responds, getting out his notebook and flipping to the page he was drawing me in. "Why? What did I do?" She asks again. "Just leave, Mia." He says. She scoffs and grabs his hands. "Please babe, tell me." She pouts. I roll my eyes but he snatched away his hands. "You pulled me away from Zach. That's what's you did. You cant do that Mia. That's not right. Just because you don't like a person doesn't mean I don't have to. I'm sorry Mia, but if this is how it's going to work, I don't think I can be with you." He responds. "Now please leave Zach and I alone." He says once more. She starts fake tearing up and roughly stands up and goes to the other side of the room , sitting into her seat and crossing her arms. I take out my phone and text him.

You didn't have to do that.

"Yes I did. I don't want to be with her if she can't accept the fact that we are friends and we will always be friends. I sign and respond.

It's whatever. If you like her, you can have her. It doesn't effect me.

"That's the thing, I don't like her. I feel like I lost feelings for her a long time ago and just never realized it until now." He responds, looking up at me with a smile. I smile back and nod, putting my phone away and getting my sketchbook out. I flip to the page where I drew Jack stargazing, now realizing I finished drawing him, not me. I smiled and showed him. "You still have that? And you finished it?" He asks. I nod and flip to the self portrait sketch. Jack looks up at me and I continue to follow his facial features, getting every curve right.

If only he saw me the way I see him.

A/N: Sorry for the wait! I know you guys wanted some tea and stuff but it wasn't that much. But the chapter is long and I'm proud.

sO yEaH.

See you tomorrow I guess cause i updated late lmaooo.

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