Chapter 28: I Love You, Too

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I awoke the next morning with a jolt and quickly wrote a note to the boys:

Sorry I left early, I really have to talk to Jack.

I grabbed my shoes and hurriedly put them on, rushing down the street and right to Jacks house.

I knock on the door and see a sleepy Isla open it.
"Zach? What're you doing here?" She questions.

I need to talk to Jack
I scribbled. She nodded and opened it wider so I could come in. I nod at her and walk up the stairs quietly, softly knocking on the door.

I heard a small sniffle and a faint "go away".

"Jack, it's me," I say, whispering so no one else hears me.
"O-oh. Come in," I hear. I twist the doorknob and slowly enter the room, seeing Jacks bed-head hair made my breath hitch. Go for it. What? Do it, I know you want to. I take a deep breath and crash my lips onto his. His eyes go wide but soon he is kissing me back, his hands on my waist and mine on his wrapped around his neck. He smiles and pulls away. "What changed your mind?" He asks. "The boys. They told me about your "plan" and I guess I saw what you meant to happen and, yeah," I chuckle. "You're talking," He smiles. "Only for you, for now," I respond pecking his lips.

"I love you so much, Zach"

"I love you, too, Jack,"

A/N: BAM! End of story. Unless you guys want a prologue which I will happily write. But thank you guys so much for reading this story, I thought it wouldn't get anywhere and it would flop. I know I haven't thanked you but, thank you so much for 28,000+ reads. You make me smile everyday. Also sorry for being M.I.A (pun intended) I'm on vacation right now so. Yeah. Bye guys! But not forever 😊

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