Chapter 7: Steady Heartbeat

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Being at the arcade was fun, but I am so tired I just want to nap. "We'll meet up later okay?" Jack says to the rest of the boys. They nod and he kisses Mia goodbye. No jealousy. I know, I know.  "Let's go Zach." He says. I nod and follow him as we zigzag through the heavily populated mall. "I got the sense that you wanted to go home." Jack says, finally breaking the silence as we head towards his car. I nod, opening the door to the red mustang. I had never realized how nice his car was. You're getting drawn in. I'm just complimenting his car, chill. Whatever. I run my fingers across the hood of the car before getting in. "You like?" He asks, a small smirk creeping on his face. I nod, rolling my eyes as I see a dumb little smile on his face. "You sure you want to go home?" He asks. I shrug and look at the dark clouds starting to form. "Let's go to my house then." He says, taking a U-Turn. I pull out my earbuds and drown out the sound of the water droplets hitting against the car.

"We're here." He says, still slightly muffled by my loud music. I pull out my earbuds and shove them into my pocket. Soon we are running up the drive way and into his house, which is pretty big. Quickly he closes the door and groans as he looks at himself, his clothes soaking wet. He looks over at me and smiles. "Let's go change." I hardly noticed that I was wet so I follow him up the stairs. "You forgot to say hello to your mother." A lady says in a stern voice. "Sorry mom." Jack responds, going back down the stairs and pecking her cheek. "And who is this cutie?" She says, looking up at me. I blush at the comment and Jack laughs. "This 'cutie' is Zach. He's a friend." He chuckles. I walk the rest of the way up the stairs before bumping into an older girl, around 18.

A/N: ok so I haven't clarified this lmao but let me tell you their ages so you don't get confusion.
Ok keep reading lollll

"Sorry." She mumbles before walking downstairs. "Go change dork." I hear her say. "Nice to see you too Syd." Jack says with a sarcastic tone. "Well I would hug you but you're wet so I'd rather not." She laughs. I hear his footsteps gradually coming up the stairs. He leads me into his bedroom that is just slightly bigger than mine. He throws me some sweats and an oversized sweatshirt with a black T-shirt with it. I go into the bathroom and quickly look at my wrists, forgetting that the scars were there. They are faint which is good. Jack might not notice them. I slip the T-shirt over my skinny body and the sweatshirt after. It hangs loosely on my body as I change into the sweatpants. I come out of the bathroom to see Jack sitting on his phone while laying on his bed. He looks up and smiles. "Well don't just stand there, come sit." He says laughing. I smile weakly and hesitantly sit on the bed. He rolls his eyes and pulls me next to him. "There. Geez." He scoffs, going back to his phone. I wish I could tell him off. Then you'd just break. And probably scare him. You haven't spoken in over 10 years. Yeah I know. I sigh and lay down in frustration. He finally puts his phone down and looks at me. "What do you want to do?" He asks. I shrug and turn my head so it's facing directly up. He taps his chin before a smirk curls across his lips. He lays down next to me and pulled me into his chest. My eyes widen at his actions but I soon fall into a comfortable position. I press my ear against his chest and listen to his steady heartbeat. It was so relaxing. I could just, fall... asleep.

And I fell asleep. Right on his chest. I woke up for what seemed like an hour later in total disbelief. Jack rubbed his eyes and slowly sat up as I was just sitting there. What am I doing? I can't like him. I broke much too long ago, my walls are built, I can't have him knock them down with a simple knock. He puts his hand on my shoulder but I couldn't hear what he was saying. "Zach!" He shouted, making me wince. "Sorry. You weren't responding and I got worried." Him? Worried about me? No. Stop. He probably means it in a friendly way. He engulfs me into a hug and I snuggle into his chest. "Ask your mom if you can stay over. It's nice having company." He smiles which made me smile. Ugh, why is his smile to contagious. I nodded and picked up my phone from the bedside table.

Zach🤭- Hey mom! Can I stay over Jacks house?
Mom❤️- If course sweetheart. 😉😉
Zach🤭- Mom stop. We're just friends and I'm not looking for a new relationship.
Mom❤️- Haha, not yet sweetheart. But that boy already has your heart, I can see it every time you look at him.
Zach- Yeah, Yeah. Whatever. See you tomorrow.
Mom- Love you!
Zach- Love you too. ❤️
"What did she say?" I show him the text and cover up the part where she starts gushing about me liking him. Which I do not. I'm trying to keep you in check. You'll thank me later. That's what you always say.

"Cool." He smiles and gets up from the bed.

A/N: I have no idea why you guys don't hate me yet. Like seriously. But you know. Family shiz is happening so yeah. Hehe. Anyways. Uh. Love you all! ❤️

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