Chapter 2

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The teacher went on and on, rambling about what we do in the class. The moment she said my name my eyes widened and I froze. "He's a mute miss." Jonah says. "Alright then." She responds and continues her rambling . Finally the bell had rang and I quickly gathered my stuff, rushing out the door. Lunch was the only thing I enjoyed when we were at school. I grabbed my plate of food and sat at a random table. Soon after I sat down Jonah and Daniel had joined me. "So my mom volunteered to coach soccer tryouts." Jonah groaned. "How come?" Daniel asked. Jonah shrugged. "Probably to insure that I get on the team." He responded, rolling his eyes. "Hey Zach, a lot of people say you played soccer at your old schools. Is that true?" Daniel asked, now facing me. I nodded, taking a bite of my pizza. "You should try out then!" Jonah ensured. I shook my head. "C'mon, it'll be fun. I know a lot of people who will be trying out, especially my best friend Corbyn." Jonah teased as he smiled at Daniel. Daniel rolled his eyes and turned in my direction. "Yeah, my friend Jack is trying out so maybe you guys could become friends." He huffed a little. Was he jealous of Jonah and Corbyn's relationship? I sighed and nodded, agreeing to try out. The boys went on and on, arguing who was the better friend out of the two. I rolled my eyes. They clearly liked each other. The bell had finally rang and I only had two hours left, Daniel walked me to art. "So, are you good at drawing?" He asked. I shrugged as I fixed the strap of my bag. "Based on what I saw this morning, I think you're pretty good." He smiles. I smile back and hide my blushing. I don't get compliments, so I'll blush each time I get one. Usually once every blue moon. We finally got to the classroom and I slid into a chair. Daniel had waved goodbye and headed to his class. You realize you have no friends in your last two hours right? Thanks. That made me feel so much better. I roll my eyes as a brown, curly haired boy sat in a chair across from me. "Hey." He said. I waved at him and reached down towards my bag, grabbing out my sketch book. He follows my actions but just grabs a smaller notebook. "Why are you sitting alone?" He asks, finally breaking the silence. I grab his notebook and scribble down that it was my first day so I don't have many friends. You have two. Yeah, not many. "Oh. Well I'm Jack, Jack Avery." He responds with a small smile. I write down my name and show him. "Hi Zach." He chuckles. I raise an eyebrow. "My friend Daniel said there was a new kid named Zach. I'm guessing that's you?" He laughs. I nod and finally the bell rings. "Welcome class!" The teacher beamed. She finally gotten to the assignment. "Pick a partner. For this assignment you will have to draw each other. It will be due next week, since some of you are perfectionists. And it will have to be colored. You can start drafting today, go!" She shouted with a wide grin. "Want to be my partner?" Jack asks. I nod as he grins. I pull out my sketchbook and glance at him every so often, trying to get his facial features correct. He follows my actions and smiles. The bell rang which for the first time, I actually didn't want to leave. Jack was kind, just like the other boys. But what if they find out that I'm, gay. Will they act different? I got too lost I. My thoughts and bumped into a taller, blonde boy. "Sorry." He apologized. I gather my things off the ground and try to walk around him. "Wait! What class are you going to?" I show him my schedule and he smiles. "I'm going to science too. Come on, I'll help you find it." He says. I nod and follow him through the crowded halls. We head into a separate hallway where many 11th and 12th graders were walking through. He pulled me into a classroom that already had many students. We plopped down in front of Jack and Jonah, who had 6th hour with me thankfully. They talked for a couple of minutes, telling jokes which made me smile. The bell finally rang and everyone immediately stopped talking. The teacher was nice. He seemed like a nice guy, but in a way he looked familiar. I dont know.

And then the time had come. I had to go home. To my loud family. Constantly talking. Well, maybe it would be different if...


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