Chapter 3

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Maybe it would be different if my dad was home. He always made me feel like I belonged. He never judged me. Every time someone got too loud, he told them to quiet down since I didn't like loud noise. My dad was on a business trip and he would've be back for about another week so. I was about to leave the school when Daniel had come up behind me. "Hey, wanna hang out? I could help you with your homework." I nod as he now moves next to me. "Can I invite Jonah, Corbyn and Jack?" He asks. I nod as we turn the corner towards my house. "You have a nice house. Any siblings?" I hold up two fingers as he nods. "I have siblings too. I have a younger sister and two older brothers." He huffs. I open the door to see my mom turn the corner. "Zachy!" She beams as she pulls me into a tight hug. "Who is this?" She asks once she sees Daniel. "I'm Daniel. I'm inviting three other friends, is that ok?" He asks. "Of course! Zach needs to make friends." She says, averting her gaze towards me. "Well I made spaghetti, would you like some?" She asks. "Yea please." I nod and sit on one of the stools. Daniel slides next to me and smiles as she puts the plates down. We eat for a little before the doorbell rings. "I'll get it." Daniel says, making his way towards the door. I put my plate into the sink and see Jack, Jonah and who I'm guessing is Corbyn, pile inside. "Hi! I'm Zach's mom. Would you boys like some spaghetti?" She asks. "No thank you." Jack replies. I make my way upstairs and hear the cluttered foot steps follow me. "Your room is nice." Daniel says in awe. It wasn't much. A bed, desk, and a wall that was converted into a chalk board. My mom always liked the idea that I could relieve stress when I draw. Everyone sits in their own place. Jonah sits on the beanbag sitting in the corner of my room. Corbyn and Daniel sit on the floor, Daniel trying to subtly glance at Jonah. And Jack sat with me on my bed. "Do you want to work on our assignment?" Jack asks. I nod. "What assignment?" Jonah says. "Something for art." Jack responds. I roll my eyes and grab my sketchbook, flipping to the page where I started drawing Jack. I continued drawing each try to match each feature on him. He smiles as he looks at the picture. "You're a perfectionist." He chuckles. A weak smile appears on my face and it instantly fades. "Guys I'm bored." Jonah groans. "Good for you Jonah." Daniel responds sarcastically. Jonah glares at him and a smile grows on my face. "Let's do something." Jonah says. "Frozen yogurt?" Jack says. I nod and close the sketchbook. Everyone shuffles our of my room and Jack particularly stays near me. My mom taught me sign language and I sometimes used it around people when I wanted to tell her something. I signed that we were going to get frozen yogurt and she nodded. "You can sign?" Daniel asked. I nod and put on my white converses. "You should teach me." He smiled. I roll my eyes and smile.
We made our way to the frozen yogurt shop. I admired the scenery and tried to keep my eyes on the tall trees but my thoughts kept getting in my way. We went to the place I went to the most and I was glad. I knew almost everyone and since some of their customers are deaf, they know how to sign. "Hey Zach!" Vanessa beams. I wave and the boys look at me. "He comes in here a lot. You want the usual?" She asks, now facing me. I nod as the boys order. She hands us our frozen yogurt and we sit in a booth near the window. They start up an argument about who's frozen yogurt is better. Vanessa laughs as she over hears their loud argument. "I'll have to say that Corbyn's is the best." She laughs. "HA! I told you!" He smirks. She rolls her eyes and smiles. "I was joking losers. Zach's is the best." She laughs. Everyone laughs as I smile. "You're only saying that because he's your best friend." Corbyn huffs. "Well kinda, we were in the same class in second grade until him and I moved." She smiles. "So Zach has had friends." Jonah laughs. I glare at him as Daniel hits his shoulder. "I was joking chill. I mean, we are all friends, right?" I nod as his smile grows wider. "We should get going. It's getting dark." Daniel says. I nod in agreement. We throw away our trash and wave goodbye to Vanessa. We all separate except for me and Jack, who I know realize lives next door to me. "Is it ok if I stay the night? I don't like being alone with my sisters and the babysitter." He asks. I nod and open the door to my house. "Hey honey! How was it?" I wave and sign to her that I saw Vanessa. "How is she?" I hold up a thumbs up. "Is Jack staying over?" I nod and head upstairs. Jack was already in my room, admiring the sunset. He turns back around and smiles. "You have a great view of the sunset." I sign thanks. "I'm guessing that means thank you." I nod. He laughs and looks back at the sunset which now was completely gone. I looked at the twinkling stars and smiled, grabbing my sketchbook. I sketched out Jack staring at the stars. "What are you doing?" He asks. I shoo him away and write down that it's a surprise. He huffs and looks back out the window. I smile and continue to draw. It was a rough drawing. Your gonna fix it later I'm guessing. Of course I am. Oh lord. "Do you have clothes I could borrow?" He asks. I point to my closet and he thanks me. He grabs sweats and a t-shirt. I grab the same thing and put my sketchbook away. "Which side?" He asks. I shrug. "Ok." He responds. He slides under the covers and I follow after him. He lays his feet on top of mine and I smile. "Night Zachy." I smile as I drift off to sleep.
Zachy. Has I nice ring to it.

A/N: Word count: 1096

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