The Second Sorting

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Ella straightened her plain black robes one last time before taking a deep breath. Despite having been through the Sorting process before, nervousness nagged at her stomach.

The girl tested her leg as Dumbledore had been able to heal it and it was practically back to normal. Ella would always have a scar, though she secretly thought it looked rather daring. She glanced at the Hogwarts crest on her robes which was soon to become a mismatched animal with a lion's head, badger's paws, raven's wings, and a snake's tail as she had had in the future.

"What if I don't get all 4?"

Ella quickly brushed the thought aside, now wasn't the time for such thoughts. Besides this was where she belonged. She took one more look in the window at her reflection. The familiar chocolate hair and hazel eyes of Ella Vine peered back at her anxiously, she had seen no reason to change it. No one would recognize her.

"And now you all remember the startling surprise this afternoon." Ella heard the buzzing of voices drop. " A young woman who will be starting her 7th year. She was born to Muggles who did not see it necessary to send her to school, but rather hired a tutor to see to her wellbeing and education. She has bravely evaded danger and now will be sorted. ELLA CONNELLY!" Dumbledore's voice boomed from behind the door.

Ella took a deep breath and opened the doors to the stares once again. She could hear her chest rattle with every breath and decided she couldn't bear the silence any longer. Summoning her courage, she spoke. "I guess I'm one for dramatic entrances. Sorry about that," she raised an eyebrow hesitantly to no avail. Silence.

Well this is awkward, she thought. Sweat was beginning to drip at her forehead. "Seriously though, please talk. I'm rather nervous." And finally at that, Ella got her reaction from the Marauders themselves.

Sirius Black stood in his seat and conjured a great megaphone. "Woooohooo! Yeah you go up there mystery girl," the boy shouted playfully as the unfortunate students next to him winced at the volume.

"Sirius!" James gasped, pulling at his friend's arm eagerly. "What about giving a proper welcome?" He gestured to Peter and Remus who set off a pair of fireworks that lit up the Great Hall in bold colours of red and gold.

"You four. Detention." McGonagall's exasperated voice sounded from head table, her hat bobbing on it's perch. The older woman appeared exhausted of the troublemakers already.

"To which four are you referring to Minnie?" Sirius asked innocently, pretending to search the hall.

"She must mean those slime balls," James gestured to a group of Slytherins who jeered nastily.

Ella saw the deadly look on McGonagall's face and quickly shoved the Sorting Hat on her head to avoid further trouble.

"Ahhh," the voice sounded in her mind. Ella was whisked back to memories of her first Sorting and she allowed the Sorting Hat to see its first decision, carefully keeping a barrier around the reason why. The girl was once again grateful for Dumbledore's Legilimency lessons.

"You are interesting.. I've sorted you before..." the hat wondered. "And to all four? Curious... It stands to reason though. You must be... ALL FOUR!"

The familiar call rang through the hall and whatever conversations had begun after the Marauder's outburst ceased. Ella tensed and began to fiddle with her robes. Bouts of whispering began to carry across the tables.

"All FOUR?"

"That's never happened before."

"How can she be trusted?"

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