Zombies are real!?!

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"She looks tasty..." You hear faintly. "Wait we use this one as bait obviously!" you hear a stern voice shout. You groan softly opening your eyes as a while light blinded you but was soon covered by a bald headed, Brown eyed male. You tried to jump away but you were tied down. "Where am i!?! Who the hell are you!?! What happened!?!" You asked all at once. "Woah woah! Calm down with so the questions! One at a time." He said. "Okay... Who are you?" You asked him looking at your surroundings and seeing two other guys. Also who are they?? You wanted to ask but he started to speak before you could. "I'm Don E." As if reading your mind he motioned to one of them. He was kinda pale. "That's Blaine. And that big guy is Chief." He said undoing the ropes. "The hell do you think you're doing Don E?" The guy named Blaine asked. "She's no use to us tied up." Don E shrugged. The ropes fell off you as you stood up, stretching. "Where am I?" You ask. "Looks like a morgue." You say examining the room. You went to open a fridge and saw it was full of brains. "....." You didn't day a word when suddenly you feel a whoosh of air and the fridge shuts with a loud bang! "Don't go on there!" Said Blaine who was standing right next to her with red bloodshot eyes. You yelled stumbling back into Don E. He caught you (obvi) and smiled at you setting you back on your feet."We're zombies." Don E said shrugging as if it was not a big deal. "You're what!?!" You ask in confusion. "Zombies. I thought you would know that... Since Liv is one." Don E said shrugging. "Look Donny." You started "Don E." he corrected. "Whatever." You say rolling your eyes "I'm not that stupid! Zombies aren't real!" You say shaking you your head in disbelief. "Then what do you expect the brains are for?" Donny oops or Don E said smirking at you. "Um... Old Halloween props? I mean this kinda is a basement." You say shrugging. Don E looks at you with a(n) 'Are you seriously face. Blaine rolls his eyes and starts to walk up stairs but stops when he's almost at the top "Don't tell her everything. Also we're supposed to torture her not befriend her." He finished then leaves the Morgue/ Basement. Chief grunts and leaves to. You had watched them leave then turned back to Don E. "... Are you gonna torture me?" You ask trying to sound confident. Don E just chuckles "Worse I'm gonna make you one of us." You roll your eyes "For the last time! Zombies. Aren't. Real." You say crossing your arms over your chest. His eyebrows lift for a second then a smirk crawls on his face once again "Okay then." He tossed you a knife, "Stab me." You catch the knife and eye him up and down. How could I hurt someone so handsome. . Wait what!? No! Stop thinking that! You charge at him knife in your (Dominant) hand. You stab him straight in the stomach and he doesn't even flinch. Instead his eyes turn a blood red as he pulls the, not even bloody, knife out of him. You stare at him in disbelief "N-No way.." You gasp as he drops the knife. "Scared now Y/N?" You couldn't answer, you just stared so many thoughts rushing through your head. "Now come here Y/N. Let me scratch you." His smile turned to a full on grin then an evil, scary, and sorta creepy smile. You scream as he runs towards you.

A/N: Oooo a bit of Don E x reader in there! Makes you think should I really be reading a Ravi x Reader? Yes, you should because British accents kill you and you love it. XD, anyway that's all cya guys next time! Baaaaaiiiii(Every time I do this I'm like 'I'm a Youtuber now yay! XD)

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