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OMFG!!! Guys!! Thank you thank you thank you!!! We have 1k reads!!! I am so thankful for everyone who stuck by me and this story. The people who no matter what I said and the plans I made stuck by me. Thank you for enjoying this story! I love you all so so so much!!! Now I'm going to give you a little sneak peek of the next chapter! Once again thank you so freakin much!

Ravi's POV

I didn't listen to a word they said after that. I rushed out the door angry as hell. First I was gonna go to Don E and pinch him square in the face then I was gonna go Y/N to try to get the whole story. I got in the car and drove straight to the Scratching Post. When I got there I went right past the bouncer. He tried stopping me but there were to many people. I went up to the counter "Where's Don E?" I ask the guy at the counter. "In the back but no is—." I just rolled my eyes and walked to the back. I immediately see Don E and.... I blacked out.

Yeah this is all you're getting. Sorry!!! But I love you all thank you so much this was so unexpected! Thank you thank you thank you! I also forgot to say that if you look up Ravi x Reader we are the FIRST I repeat the FIRST fanfic that pops up. AHHHHHH OMG GUYS!!

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