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Blaine: But I thought... me and...
Me: You and Peyton yeah yeah that's what I ship. Emphasis on I.
Peyton: So the fans want it..??
Me: Maybe I dunno
Liv: Ew. Ewww. Ewwwwww!! I would never!!
Me: What?! Why not?? Blaine is 10/10
Blaine: why thank you G.
Me: Of course hot stuff;)
Don E: Ugh get a room.
Me: Oh sorry Don E! You're hot too! But you have the hots for Blaine right??
Don E: God no!
Fans that love gay shit: God yes!!
Me: See!!
Don E: Oh fuck this!*kisses Blaine*
Me: *faints cause it's to gay*
Blaine: *kisses back*
You: Yooooo this some gay shit...
Liv: Ok it's pretty cute
Peyton, Ravi, Major: Agreed
Clive: Even I agree.
Me:*wakes up* Ok damn they still going at it. Um I'll see you guys in the next episode! Goodbye MBLP!!
Everyone except Don E and Blaine: Byeee!!!

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