Jealousy and New News

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I just wanted to say thank you so much to these five people who are actually following me and reading my story. I'm continuing this for you guys. Love you(also I followed you back)






Once again thank you so much! Also guys we are ranked #62 in the IZombie fanfictions! I didn't ever think we would make it on the list but here we are! Thank you so much!!

Ravi's POV

We all ran out the door following Y/N. Just like everyone else except Y/N we were all confused. "Y/N what's going on?" I said trying to keep up with her as we ran down the steps of Liv and Payton's apartment building. "It's Clive!" Y/N said digging through her purse to find her keys. "Y/N! Be careful!" Liv yelled at Y/N as she tripped down the steps. It was like the world went into slow motion. I just got her i couldn't lose her. "Y/N!" I yelled my hand going out to grab her. My fingers grazed her arm but I couldn't grab her. She screamed as she fell when I suddenly heard a 'umph.' I ran a bit further and saw that Y/N ran.... Er fell into Don E. I felt this rage in the pit of my stomach. I had it when Payton was with other guys. What did Liv call it? Right Jealousy.

Don E's Pov

I was walking up the steps to Liv's apartment because I wanted to see Y/N. I may or may not have out a tracking device in her phone when we kidnapped her. Ahem... That's not the point. Anyway, as I was walking up the stairway, since WAY to many people were trying to take the elevator, someone fell on me. I landed with an "Oomph." And immediately after I said "Ow.." Just in case it was someone who was human. The person immediately got off me. It was Y/N. "Ah! Jesus! I'm sorry!! Wait.... Don E? Well I'm not as sorry but still." She smirked at me putting a hand on her hip. "Ouch!", I put my hand over my heart pretending to be hurt by what she said. She giggled at me being over dramatic. God her giggle was like an angel. She was just so beautiful, her eyes reminded me of a Coldplay song. Is it weird that her ass reminds me of a Kanye West song. Is it weird that I ---. "Yo earth to Don E." I hear Y/N's voice ring out like music to my ears. "Huh?" I question not knowing at all what she said. " I said I need to go. Something happened to Clive. I'll text you later okay?" She forces a smile threatening the tears to escape her eyes. I pull her into a hug "He'll be okay. Okay?" I comfort her rubbing her back in a loving way. She silently cried into my shirt, her tears and makeup staining my shirt. I didn't care though. She pulled away from me slightly "I'm sorry....." She mumbled to me. I wiped her tears "It's okay. It's okay." I said smiling slightly trying to get her to smile back. She did. She smiled back a genuine smile, which only made me smile brighter. "Ahem." someone "cleared" their throat ruining the moment I was having with Y/N. Not gonna point fingers but it was a certain black haired British male who goes by the name Ravi Chakrabarti. "We gotta go." Ravi said taking Y/N's arm and leaving. "Bye Don E." Liv and Payton said before leaving after Ravi and Y/N. I sighed and stood there chuckling to myself. I made Ravi Chakrabarti jealous.... I must be really making an impact I thought to myself. Might as well follow them right? I smirked and slowly followed them.

Your Pov

I ran out the door and to my car. Pulling out my keys immediately as I felt the cool breeze on my face. Unlocking the car I pushed myself running faster than I ever thought I could. Truth was Clive was shot while on a case he is now in the hospital and they couldn't tell me anything else. I'm just so scared for him I can't lose him. I jumped into the drivers seat of my car and waited for everyone else to get in. When they got in and all the doors were closed I didn't even wait for them to buckle up I floored it. We got to the hospital and that's when everyone was bombarding me with questions so I got out the car and yelled "Shut up! Clive got shot while on a case okay? Now can I PLEASE go see my brother!" I said angrily as I ran into the hospital. I went up to the desk and said "Hello. I'm here to see Clive. Clive Babineaux." I was out of breath but still determined. "Ah yes. He is in..." The desk lady stopped, typing on her computer. "How do you spell that?" She asked me. I groaned "B-A-B-I-N-E-A-U-X." I spelled out for her. "Yes! He's in room 402. Fourth floor second door on your right." She said smiling up at me. I nodded and motioned for everyone to follow me. I know everyone was tired but the elevator would take to long so I made a dash for the stairs. I heard everyone groan behind me which made me smirk a bit but I kept going. Finally we reached the fourth floor and I saw it. Room 402 in all its glory. I burst into the room and.....

A/N: Oopsie daisy! Looks like Author~Chan left you on a cliffhanger! Don't worry another story will be posted today! Sorry Author~Chan hasn't been on schedule. She lost her phone which is what she had all the drafts on so know she has to write new ones... Again so sorry! Baiii MBLP!~ Author Chan

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