Don E Did WHAT!?!

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"Yes! He's in room 402. Fourth floor second door on your right." She said smiling up at me. I nodded and motioned for everyone to follow me. I know everyone was tired but the elevator would take to long so I made a dash for the stairs. I heard everyone groan behind me which made me smirk a bit but I kept going. Finally we reached the fourth floor and I saw it. Room 402 in all its glory. I burst into the room and.....

Clive was sitting in bed eating some pudding that he was apparently given. "CLIVE!" You screamed running to his side and kneeling beside his bed. "Hey sis." Clive said putting down the pudding cup. "Oh I'm so glad you're okay! What happened?" I asked questioningly. "Well I was on a case. It was insane! I swear I shot the guy twice and his eyes just turned blood red. He ran at me, took my gun and shot me. Luckily, backup had just come in." Clive stated, he sounded like a parent reading a kid a fairy tale. Every know and then he would exaggerate or emphasize words. I looked back to Ravi, Liv, and Payton. Liv and Ravi had their eyes wide while Payton just stared blankly like the story didn't even faze her. By the look on Liv and Ravi's face i'm just gonna guess it was a zombie. I turn back to Clive "Please believe me Y/NN everyone thinks i'm insane!" He says sounding very stressed. And the nickname.... He only used it in very serious situations where he feels alone. I sighed, I can't let Clive know zombies are real! But he's my brother... I feel bad lying to him. Stressed as hell on what to do I said, "I believe you Clive... But the reason will have to wait till you get out of the hospital." That should give me long enough to think hopefully. And if not let's just hope he forgets. "Thank you.... Thank you Y/N." He gave me a hug. Him hugging me only made me feel worse about lying right now but it's best he doesn't know... Knowing this could possibly get him in trouble. I hugged back and almost immediately pulled away "I'll stay here with you okay?" I said not even giving him a choice. Even though it sounded like a question he knows it wasn't. Ravi slowly walked over to me and Clive "Get better okay?" He said then leaned down and kissed my forehead." Liv came over next and carefully hugged Clive then gave me a big hug. She didn't say anything and Payton looked like she was going to cry so she didn't come over at all. The three of them left me and Clive alone. I told the nurse, who came in not to long after to give Clive some pain medicine, that I was staying the night. She gave me blankets and I sat in the chair next to the bed reading to Clive until he fell asleep and then reading to myself till I dozed off.

Ravi's POV

I was worried about her. Y/N isn't safe now. She's a curious girl and she will find and attempt to kill the zombie who did this to Clive. I just know it. Sadly, there wasn't a lot I could do. At least not without Liv. Liv, in all seriousness, told me, "I will never not tell Y/N anything." Which by the way is a double negative. Basically she meant she will never keep another secret from Y/N again. So on the way home, in Y/N's car, i was thinking of a way to get Clive alone for him to stop her or at least trick Liv into helping me. Jeez I hate lying to Y/N but it's just to protect her. "Ravi? Yo earth to Chakrabarti." Payton said snapping me out of my thoughts. "Hmm? Oh yeah sorry." I look out the window and were outside the morgue so I stepped out of the car. I walk into the morgue and my mouth drops. The morgue was trashed! Someone was looking for something.... Shit! The serum!" I run into my office, which by that time Liv walks down. "Hey, Payton had to... What the hell!?" Liv said. I searched through the drawers in my office and found nothing. "Dammit!" I yelled shutting the drawer angrily. Liv ran into the office "Did they...?" She didn't have to finish that question for me to answer. I slowly shook my head yes as Liv gasps.

Meanwhile The Next Day With You and Clive

You were silently reading since Clive was asleep. That's when you saw him. Don E opened the door with flowers in his hand. Your head flew up when you heard the door open. "Don E?! What are you doing here?" You ask whisper yelling as to not wake your peacefully sleeping brother. "I thought you would be here." Don E said whispering as well probably cause he noticed your sleeping brother. You got up and walked to Don E pushing him out of Clive's room. You followed him and closed the door behind you. "You were looking for me?" You ask slightly confused on why anyone, especially Don E, would be looking for you. "Yes, I uh... Brought you these." He handed you a bouquet of Y/FF. "H-How did you know these were my favorite flowers?" You ask surprised. "Lucky guess?" A/N So I'm getting lazy because it's 2:41 am.... So D= Don E Y=You

Y: Don E.... Why are you here?

D: To tell you.... That I love you Y/N.... I know you are with ravi but I...

Y: Don E.... I can't.....

D: I get it.... But could you do one thing for me?

Y: Of course! What is it?

D: Kiss me back.

Right then Don E kissed you his lips moving with yours in sync. You had immediatley and you have to admit it was.... amazing. Unlike when Ravi kisses you it was more passionate, full of lust, and just full of, no longer one sided, love.

Little did the two know someone was watching and it wasn't Clive or Ravi.

A/N: Heyo guys! Before I get into the story did you know now instead of being rated #60 in all of the Izombie books we are now rated..... #49!! WoWOWWOWOWOW!!! Omg guys! Thank you! Now saving you guys time with guessing it's not anyone who has been introduced in this story. So it's not Payton or Liv! Hmm.... Who is a good friend of Clive that hasn't been introduced in this story yet? Guess we'll figure it out!! Bye Guys!! I'll see you next time! Baii MBLP's!

~Author Chan who desperately needs to sleep

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