The ships continue

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Me: In all honesty! Didn't even know this was a ship...

Ravi: You've got to be kidding me! What about the cannon ships like Liv and Major or me and Peyton!!

Major: She's never gonna do those ships

Me: Hey I might!

Peyton: Come on! First Liv now Major!!

Liv: its a pretty cute gay ship if you ask me

Me: Well prepare for more gay stuff next chapter!! *mumbles* cause I'm gay trash

Ravi:*groans* just get to me and Peyton already!!

Me: Just go fu** yourself already! It'll happen Jesus Christ!

Ravi: *mumbles* I have Peyton to do that

Me: what the fu**? What was that?

Ravi: I said—

Peyton: Nothing! He said nothing.

Me: whatever. Cya next time MBLP's!!

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